Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 301: Explain Li Shu

Li Shu's unique and charming voice soon came from the ring, "Hello? Is it Brother Mang?"

"Well, it's me, is it convenient for you now, come to me this time, I will leave in the afternoon, there are some things I need to explain to you before I leave,"

Wang Mang played with a few berries in one hand, frowned, with some considerations in his mind.

"Well, I know Brother Mang, I'll come right away," Li Shu hung up after speaking. Wang Mang sat in a chair and looked at the tall city wall outside the window, his eyes thoughtful.

"Xiaoying, Ahu, how about I let Li Shu take care of the villa for me?" Wang Mang thought for a while, but decided to listen to Xiaoying and Ahu's opinions.

Wang Hu stood on the wall outside the kitchen, staring at the Kuang Lei Knife, which was about five meters long and as wide as the door panel, with burning eyes. His eyes are full of enthusiasm,

Hearing Wang Mang's question, he temporarily suppressed his appreciation of the Saint Soldier, scratched his head, thought for a while, and said:

"Brother Mang, ask me to say that Li Shu is unreliable. When we rescued her, she stole the treasure of the city lord and slipped out.

If someone like her has a history, if she tells her about the secret realm, she will inevitably not have any thoughts."

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang pondered a little, "Ahu, what you said makes sense, but apart from Li Shu, there are not many people who can take on the task of guarding the villa.

According to Yao Ping, controlling the insect group is enough, and I don’t plan to let him know about the secret realm."

Liu Ying, who was packing her things, stopped her hands and feet, frowned and said:

"The matter of the secret realm is really important. If it is to ensure absolute safety, the best way is to destroy the organ!"

When Wang Mang heard Liu Ying’s words, his eyes lit up a bit, Xiaoying said well.

Since you don’t want others to know the secret realm, it’s better to destroy the mechanism that enters the door. This is fine.

And I can also arrange some things in the basement, even if someone gets in by luck and has his own arrangement, it is estimated that he will not come out.

"Yes, you can handle the matter of Ahu. In addition, after you open the mechanism, place thousands of fire locusts in the passage. This way, it will be safe."

Wang Mang took off the Panlong ring on his index finger and handed it to Wang Hu.

"Okay Brother Mang, I know, I will do it now,"

Wang Hu also knew the importance of this matter, did not dare to delay, quickly put on the bone tiger armor that was on the ground, took the long sword and went straight to the villa.

Just when Wang Hu left the house, an ordinary woman walked in. Wang Hu glanced at her and felt a bit familiar, but he had a task. Wang Hu didn’t ask about it, and left in a hurry.

That ordinary woman was Li Shu. Wang Mang watched her walk into the small courtyard, and walked out of the kitchen with a smile, and said:

"Li Shu, you have a good time there. The clothes and jewelry on your body are all up to grade."

Wang Mang looked at Li Shu’s shining accessories, and he knew that she had a good undercover life in the City Lord’s Mansion.

When Li Shu saw Wang Mang joking, he also smiled, "Brother Mang, I still rely on you. Without your financial support, where would a little girl have a chance to get ahead?"

"Okay, okay, no kidding, this time I have something to explain to you," Wang Mang leaned on the recliner in the small courtyard, moved another chair, and let her sit and talk.

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