Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 315: Corrosion energy

Wang Mang recalled that Liu Fan’s previous eyes were a little lax, not like a living person, and seemed to understand a lot.

"Who is the Penglai fairy? What are the truths of what Liu Fan said before?"

Facing more and more questions, the inexplicable palpitations and fear in Wang Mang's heart became stronger and stronger.

He felt as if he had come into contact with a little-known side of the world;

Wang Mang sighed and put away all the doubts in his heart.

My current strength is too low, and he is still at the top among human beings, but if compared with those monsters and strangers, it is far worse.

He still hasn't been exposed to the secrets of that level. Maybe he can learn a little bit of the truth when he reaches the hidden dragon stele.

Wang Mang took out a sharp knife, a little bit sore and sore. This **** Liu Fan is really good at it. He will cause trouble if he died.

The sharp knife in his hand gently pierced the rotting wound on the arm, and whirled it around, and the fist-sized rotting skin on the skin was plucked off.

Wang Mang picked up a bottle of emerald green life essence, poured some on the wound, took out a circle of gauze, and bound the bleeding wound.

The decayed wound on the palm of the hand is naturally the same. With a knife, it stops the bleeding and bandages it up.

After dealing with the skin trauma, Wang Mang's frowning brows still did not loosen.

The trauma is easy to treat, and the scabs will heal within a few days, but the internal injury that was impacted by the energy is a bit troublesome. Wang Mang swallowed the remaining life essence in the bottle.

There is no way to recover the wounded internal organs, but it is extremely troublesome.

Wang Mang thought for a while, and decided that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain.

He stood up and punched his lower abdomen fiercely,

Another mouthful of turbid black spit out, but this time Wang Mang’s grayish-yellow face became much more beautiful and rosy with this mouthful of black spit.

Wang Mang himself gave a heavy blow to the lower abdomen, and the internal organs were shaken by this wave to get rid of the trouble of corrosive energy.

However, the price paid is not small. The internal organs suffered this time need to be recuperated for some time.

Wang Mang vomited black blood and felt much more comfortable. Yu Guang saw the three women standing at the door with their expressions intertwined with fear, shock and joy.

Smiled to them and said, "Come in,"

Zhang Lan opened the door with a smile, and the two cowardly little girls behind, when they entered the room, saw the corpses and the destruction caused by Liu Fan's suicide, they couldn't help feeling nauseous.

"Oh..." One of the people with poor psychological quality is to bend down directly, vomit up, clean up here, and clean up the corpse.

After Wang Mang instructed them, he sat on the chairs, tapped his fingers on the table regularly, frowned and pondered carefully about all the strange things in Liu Fan.

While thinking, a pair of white jade hands slowly fell on his shoulders and gently massaged them.

Wang Mang raised his head, just to meet Zhang Lan’s blushing pretty face, smiled and nodded to her, then continued to think about the problem.

However, Zhang Lan's mind, with Wang Mang's slightly alienated attitude, seemed a little hurried and shy, but the hands that were massaging Wang Mang did not stop.

For her, if there is a man who is willing to take care of himself in these last days, it would be great,

Just like the man in front of him, strong and handsome, thinking about Zhang Lan’s blushing face became hot.

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