Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 345: Wang Hu is very angry

Wang Mang watched the three people squeeze and pinch on Qian Xiaobai's body, and he also sneered at Qian Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend! Liu Ying!" Wang Mang pulled Liu Ying into his arms and hugged her.

He pointed to Wang Hu and introduced: "This is my good brother, Wang Hu, you can just call him Ahu!"

"As for Zhang Lan, you will all be members of the insect group in the future, and you are considered colleagues!" Wang Mang pointed to Zhang Lan, who was charming and plump, and said.

"As for me, my name is Wang Mang!"

After listening to Qian Xiaobai's introduction by Wang Mang, the embarrassment on his face was reduced a bit, and he greeted the three of them and said, "Three, please give me your advice in the future."

Wang Hu laughed twice, his sturdy arm patted Qian Xiaobai's shoulder hard.

"Boy, promising, I like you to be so polite! From now on, everyone will be a member of the bug group, and I will take care of you,"

Qian Xiaobai looked at Wang Hu, who was full of scumbags, with a few lines of meat on his face, and smiled fiercely. He also asked with some kindness in his heart: "Uncle, how are you this year?"

When Wang Hu heard Qian Xiaobai’s question, the smile on his face was startled. He pointed to himself and said, "Me?"

Qian Xiaobai nodded with a pleased smile.

"Fuck you, I'm only 18 years old this year!" Wang Hu looked at Qian Xiaobai angrily. He was in his youth and was considered an uncle?

Liu Ying, who was leaning on Wang Mang’s arms, heard this and she leaned forward and closed with a smile, trembling with flowers, pointing at Wang Hu, laughing loudly, unable to say a word.

Wang Mang also chuckled a few times, expressing sympathy for Wang Hu's experience.

Ahu used to shave his beard, but now he is simply letting go. The thick scum is accompanied by a few cross-cuts on his face, the sturdy figure with a sturdy back and a sturdy body and the fierce light that pops out from time to time in his eyes, a proper middle-aged criminal. !

Where is the slightest appearance of a young man?

When Qian Xiaobai heard Wang Hu’s "Fangling" as if he had suffered a major blow, his eyes opened wide, unbelievable.

A voice in his heart roared: What! This full-faced scum, with a sturdy figure like a bear, looks like a Zhang Fei, he is only 18 years old! !

"Quickly apologize to me," Wang Hu shouted angrily, grabbing Qian Xiaobai by the collar.

If I were still in the civilized age, I was still a high school student, and I was called an uncle! This is unbearable!

Wang Mang waved his hand at Wang Hu and said, "Ahu, don't be troubled by others' Xiaobai. Besides, your dress is indeed a bit contemporary!"

When Wang Hu heard Wang Mang’s words, he also put down Qian Xiaobai’s collar, but gave him a hard look.

Qian Xiaobai’s face was a little scared. Without the protection of zombies, he is really not as strong as Wang Huqiang.

"Xiaobai, you can't do this, you have to exercise more in the future, your own strength is still more important!"

Wang Mang kindly reminded Qian Xiaobai, and he saw that Qian Xiaobai, who was solved by zombies, had a third-tier level, but he could not exert his third-tier strength!

"Okay, okay, let's go back early, let's have a barbecue tonight!" Liu Ying took Wang Mang's hand and leaned in Wang Mang's arms, and said to the two with a smile.

Wang Mang also nodded, "Well, let's hurry up and do business first. Today, I have to help Xiaobai and Zhang Lan solve some problems."

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