Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 347: Deal with zombies

When both of them were not fully recovered, with a muffled noise, the crazy zombies finally hit and scratched the door of the house that surrounded them!

With white eyes open and a big mouth full of fangs, they roared at the people in the hall and rushed over! Liu Ying and Wang Hu are already ready to go,

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!" Three lightning fast arrows, the crazy zombie's footsteps were pierced through the eyes by sharp arrows before they crossed the threshold.

The body just lost support, and fell to the ground limply, with only a few faint hissing sounds.

The crazy zombies were not afraid of the death of their front companions, and still uttered unwilling bloodthirsty roars, and their gray eyes suddenly opened to look hideous and terrifying!

With a deafening muffled noise, Wang Hu, standing at the door of a house, held up his left arm that had turned into viscous venom.

With the palms open, a group of deep purple liquid that was suppressed to the extreme was about to emerge, and the pattern was facing the zombies that were about to run.

"Boom!" The liquid ball with a big fist is like a powerful shotgun, shooting out suddenly,

Those zombies who opened their mouths and screamed and stretched their claws were lifted by a wave of air.

The zombies behind were instantly sputtered and covered by the highly corrosive venom. Clouds of turbid smoke came out of the blue-gray skin, and only the skeleton was corroded between the intact skin and flesh.

What's more, his head was directly covered by the venom, and he collapsed to the ground in just a few seconds, his head exuding a strong corrosive stench.

"Ahu, let it be! Look at me!"

Liu Ying was facing the door of the room, holding her right hand imaginarily, the white pattern the size of a coin condensed lines of dark gray, constantly emitting high-frequency trembling wind blades!

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Three wind blades like speeding high-frequency sabers, screaming torn the air, blasted straight into the room full of zombies,

"Bang~~" The loud noise that almost lifted the roof of the building three times blew up suddenly in the room.

A surging air wave set off waves of dust, and the air wave passing through the room was also mixed with a few zombie skeletons and rotten flesh!

"Okay, Xiaoying, Ahu, no more attacks, Xiaobai is almost recovered!"

Wang Mang smiled bitterly at the fierce battle scene. He just said to deal with the zombies, but Xiaoying and Ahu were about to kill all the zombies!

Wang Mang patted Qian Xiaobai who was sitting on the ground, and reached out and handed him a small bottle of life essence filled with vitality, "Quickly drink, control all the zombies earlier,"

Qian Xiaobai was not hypocritical. He took the green liquid bottle full of vitality and took a sip of it. He raised his head and poured it down.

The pale complexion on his face was also a bit rosy, and the strong tingling in his mind and the feeling of discomfort in the body instantly recovered a lot with this small bottle of green liquid.

Qian Xiaobai looked at the already empty vial, with a bit of shock in his eyes, there are still such restoration items in the world! ?

I just used all my control abilities to suppress the only Tier 3 zombie in the zombie group. After a few minutes, I recovered a little bit, and I was able to control other zombies.

But just a small bottle of green liquid made me recover at least 30%, how can I not be surprised! ?

Wang Mang patted the dumbfounded Qian Xiaobai, "Hey, don't be dumbfounded, hurry up and control the zombies. If you have any questions, I'll talk to you later."

After being shot by Wang Mang, Qian Xiaobai, who reacted, smiled awkwardly, closed his eyes, and controlled the surrounding zombies through the mysterious connection between the corpse group and the corpse king!

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