Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 349: Time Scroll

Wang Mang took the scroll-shaped object in his hand, carefully rubbed it, and looked at it patiently for a while, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Xiao Bai, I really don’t know what luck you have taken. You can get this baby too!"

Wang Mang lit up the black scroll in his hand to everyone, slapped his lips, and sighed at Qian Xiaobai’s luck in his heart.

"Boss, what is this?" Qian Xiaobai squatted on the ground, and saw Wang Mang praise the seemingly plain black scroll in his hands, his eyes filled with curiosity and doubt.

Wang Hu and Liu Ying crowded around curiously when they heard this, and sat together and asked, "Brother Mang, what is the use of this thing? It doesn't look like a treasure with rich energy!"

When Wang Mang saw everyone asking questions, he also smiled slightly, pointed to the stone tablet and the pile of objects on the ground and said: "These things, in terms of value, are not as valuable as the scroll in my hand!"

"This scroll is not an ordinary thing, this scroll is called [Time and Space Scroll]; the reason why it is said to be of high value is because of its unique ability: to travel through time and space!"

The three people squatting on the ground saw Wang Mang uttering those four words in a loud voice, only an expression of disbelief remained in their eyes!

"Through time and space!? Brother Mang.........how is this possible!" Wang Hu exclaimed and stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, as if he could not accept the ability of this scroll!

"Ahu, don't get excited, listen to me first," Wang Mang looked at Wang Hu who was extremely excited, waved at him, and told him to sit down.

"The ability of this scroll is definitely to travel through time and space. I am very impressed with this item. It is impossible to go wrong!"

Wang Mang quietly looked at the black scroll in his hand, his eyes were slightly confused.

I remember that in my previous life, my captain, the hearty and generous man, found this thing in a cave of a monster.

When we got together for a drink that night, after the captain was drunk, he unintentionally opened the scroll, and he and the captain's seven or eight members all traveled to a strange time and space.

How could I remember that profound experience wrong?

The scroll that the captain held at the time was exactly the same as the one he was holding now, even the unobvious energy fluctuations were the same!

"Xiaoying, Ahu, Xiaobai, Zhang Lan, I can tell you very responsibly that the scroll in my hand can indeed break through the world barrier and reach another time and space.

But there is also a disadvantage, that is, the body is very harmful to the body in the process of crossing! From injury to death!

Also, this scroll has an energy limit and can only be used twice, once when you go, and once when you come back, the interval between the two cannot exceed three days! "

After the four of them listened to Wang Mang's explanation, the heat in their eyes faded a bit, Zhang Lan shook his head directly, this kind of dangerous thing, he is an ordinary person now, it is better not to touch it!

Wang Mang glanced around and saw that the four of them had calmed down, he nodded, and continued: "But everything always has pros and cons. The benefits of traveling through time and space are much greater than the slight risks!"

"If you are lucky enough for three days, then you can definitely reap amazing wealth!" When Wang Mang said these words, there was still some remembrance and excitement on his face.

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