Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 369: Too affordable

At this time, Wang Hu was also wearing big pants, opened the door to Wang Mang, and said with a shy smile: "Brother Mang, I lay down and fell asleep when I came back yesterday. I didn't change my clothes. My body was smelly. !"

Wang Mang waved his hand indifferently, "Hurry up and change clothes, we only have three days, and we have to return at noon the day after tomorrow!"

While talking, Xiaohe, who went to buy breakfast, was holding a large bundle of oil paper bags, and ran upstairs panting, with a beaming smile on his face and said: "Guest, the steamed buns and fried dough sticks you want!"

Wang Mang also took the oil paper bag easily and thanked Xiao He.

"Two! Didn't you disturb your peace?" Sun Er with a beard saw the three people chatting in the corridor on the second floor. He also walked up the stairs a few steps and smiled at Wang Mang and Wang Hu.

"Sun Er, it's a coincidence that we're here. Let's have breakfast together. By the way, we will discuss today's itinerary;"

Wang Mang looked at Sun Er, who was wearing a gray jacket and carrying a cloth bag, and waved to him with a smile.

"Then I'll be more respectful than fate," Sun Er smiled and arched his hands, patted Wang Mang lightly on the cloth baggage in his hands.

Seeing that there was something to talk about between men, Xiaohe became fascinated, but the smile on his face never stopped. Obviously, the reward for buying breakfast just after running errands was very generous!

Wang Mang led Sun Er and Wang Hu to his room, locked the door, and saw that Sun Er carefully put the cloth bag on the table.

He also leaned in and asked curiously: "Sun Er, did you buy things this morning?"

Sun Er laughed twice and wiped his slightly messy beard, "Second, there are too many things that meet your needs. I picked a few representative things. These things I I bought everything that night, and I will be here not early in the morning."

Wang Mang bit the fried dough sticks and drank two sips of soy milk, letting Sun Er unfold the baggage, and Sun Er several times unwrapped the baggage, unfolding the furoshiki, revealing the true features of those items.

"Look, two people, this is a palm thunder. Don't look at the blackness of this thing. The power is not small. Two pieces can blow up the Haitian Pavilion!" Sun Er pointed his finger into the porcelain jar. A dozen black beads the size of marbles, the expression on his face is a little cautious.

"And this, it's called an arrow-wiping puppet, don't look at it, it's not very useful, as long as you have the materials, you can make your own arrows and arrow shafts!" Sun Er stroked a human-shaped puppet that was not the size of a teacup, and dialed Moving the mechanism on the back of the puppet, the human-shaped puppet moved on its own!

Looking at the two things Sun Er carefully introduced, Wang Mang felt a little bit novel. These two things are indeed very useful and good things!

Then he asked about the price again, "Sun Er, these two things are not cheap!"

Sun Er frowned and said hesitantly: "You two will tell you that although the palm thunder and arrow-wiping puppets are not the best, the price is not cheap. Puppets are more expensive, six taels of silver;"

"What!" Wang Mang slapped the table and exclaimed.

Sun Er was frightened and quickly explained: "Two people, this price, my Sun Er dare not say that it is the lowest price, but I have already bought it at a very fair price!"

Wang Mang smiled and waved his hand to him, indicating that he doesn't need to be afraid, "I mean, two such good things cost so much money? It is too affordable! Hahaha!"

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