Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 373: Into the Black Alley

A candlelight suddenly lit up in the dark alley, and the swaying candle flame shook with the wind, and the dark alley was even stranger.

"Second, don't worry, the candlelight lights up, it means someone will come to pick us up right away. This dark alley is a place where warriors often trade, it's safe, and the baby is always the best!" Sun Er looked at that weak point. The candlelight also smiled happily,

"Sun Er, is this black alley similar to the black market?" Wang Mang asked, holding his hand and tilting his head to look at Sun Er beside him.

Sun Er shook his head and replied: "No, this is a regular warrior trading point. Those shameless things are generally not traded here. This location is so concealed that it is mainly for avoiding the city defense army to collect taxes."

When Wang Mang heard this, he also laughed dumbly. This dynasty in time and space is really at its peak. These powerful warriors who collect taxes can only find a place to secretly trade.

"Brother Mang, someone is coming," Wang Hu kept staring at the place where the candle light was shining, and when he saw someone in the alley took off the candle light and walked in his direction, he also reminded him.

"Second Sun, you can show me more later, if there are any good things, if I am satisfied, your reward is indispensable!" Wang Mang also looked at a figure holding a candlelight and walking towards him. Come, I just smiled and patted Sun Er on the shoulder, and stopped talking.

"Three, three and two entry fees!" A young man with squinted eyes and a satin gown shook the candlelight in his hand, revealing a slightly gloomy smile.

"Here, here you are! Quickly lead the way," Wang Hu took out thirty silver coins from his pants pocket and paid the bill, waved his hand impatiently.

The squinted young man holding the candle lamp was not angry when he saw Wang Hu's impatient appearance. He just took the silver coin, smiled and squeezed it into his arms. He didn't ask any extra words, just holding the lamp. Leading the way in the black alley,

The three of Wang Mang followed him, and looked at the road in the alley with the faint light of the candlelight. After walking for a while, only after passing a corner, the young man with the lamp stopped.

Putting the candle light in his hand on an iron tray on the wall, and then rubbing his hands against the wall, Wang Mang watched his weird behavior and did not say much, but felt a little curious.

The sound of the opening of the two crisp valves of'Ka~Ka' sounded. The original wide wall resembled two telescopic doors, revealing a small slit for only one person to pass through. The young man in silk robe with squinted eyes faced each other. The exposed little door stretched out his hand and made an inviting gesture, "Please, three!"

"Second, let's go in," Sun Er smiled at him and took the lead and walked in.

Wang Mang and Wang Hu also walked in. As soon as they entered the door, the wall made a sound. Looking back, the small door had disappeared.

"Sun Er, this place you brought us to is really interesting!" Wang Mang looked at the bright courtyard, covered with red lanterns, but no one was seen.

"Second person, I have only visited this place twice, so I am not very familiar with it, but duo, this place is really good! Most of the high-end weapons on the market come from here!"

Sun Er slapped his lips like a sigh. There are really a lot of good things in this black alley, but none of them can afford them.

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