Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 379: Enlightenment

I have to say that the overwhelming swarms of fire locusts have indeed suppressed a group of warriors who want to take a risk.

Several Triple Realm martial artists who were preparing to take action before, looked at the tyrannical and fierce fire locusts around their bodies. The original idea of ​​taking action was also instantly extinguished. Looking at Wang Mang's eyes, only deep fear was left!

These are all spirit worms of the Triple Realm! Look at the fiery red and hideous appearance, as well as the innumerable huge numbers, what makes us resist? !

There are a total of more than 30 warriors of different realms in the hall, and there is a trace of sadness and regret in their hearts.

If you and Elder Jin had dealt with this weird man covered in black armor, wouldn't you have to suffer this innocent disaster this time?

"What about you, money, baby, weapons, all come out! Put them all in the Universe Bag and give them to me! Otherwise, hum!"

Wang Mang looked at their regret and entanglement, with only sarcasm on his face, and no sympathy at all. Seeing their reluctance, he also urged loudly.

"Little brother, look at how pitiful Sister Hua is, so you can spare your sister once," the beautiful woman with luxurious clothes and plump body leaned close to Wang Mang, with a few tears in her eyes. Looking at Wang Mang, his face was full of pity;

Wang Mang hesitated when he looked at the beautiful woman called Sister Hua beside him, and nodded.

It's not because of how charming this woman looks, but because this woman has a friendly attitude towards herself and said a few good things for herself. Moreover, the strength of this woman is not simple, her Tier 4 aura is very condensed. , It seems that he is not a simple character, he has injuries, and he really can’t support a high-intensity battle.

"Sister Hua, you don't need it. I have revenge and grace. Just now, Sister Hua you even said good things for me. Just find a seat and sit down. I won't do anything to you;"

Wang Mang waved his hand to Sister Hua, indicating that she didn't have to worry about snatching her universe bag.

As soon as Sister Hua heard this, the tears in her eyes immediately disappeared, and Chuchu's pitiful expression immediately transformed into a smiling and affectionate look, "Little brother, the one that Sister admires most is you. If you are not busy tonight, can you chat with your sister and look at the stars?"

When Wang Mang heard this, he glanced at her in surprise, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart. This was a look at his mighty and strong body! No, no, I didn't plan to find a partner in this different time and space in the past three days;

"By the way, and this big brother, you don't have to hand over the Universe Bag anymore, I won't do anything to you," Wang Mang gave a fist to the most conspicuous man in the crowd, and faced the chair beside him. Stretched out his hand and motioned for him to take a seat,

The brawny man was initially a little unhappy, and his sullen expression disappeared with Wang Mang’s words, his fists suddenly disappeared.

The strength of this black-clad monster in front of him is really terrifying. Even the elder Jin of the fifth stage was smashed to death with lightning. The strength of his fourth stage is not enough to slash under the hands of others.

Now that this weird man is willing to give himself face and give himself a step down, he naturally can’t help but exalt. The strong and **** man grinned at Wang Mang and sat decisively on the chair. As for the group behind him Will the warrior be angry, upset, what's up with him?

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