Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 381: end

Wang Mang saw the hesitation in the eyes of the two of them, and said again: "There is no need for the two to do anything, as long as the two can help me clean up the mess and clean up the battlefield!"

After Wang Mang finished saying this sentence, before the two of them could answer, he snapped his left hand and swarms of fire locusts hovering and dancing over the main hall suddenly made a huge buzzing sound, just like the sound of a cannon popping out of its chamber!

The swift and electric explosive locusts are densely arranged in a row of flying squads, seven as a team, neatly arranged in the shape of a city arrow, with the highest rank, and the most powerful arrow, which emits a resonant buzzing. Facing the warriors who were about to attack in the hall, they flew away,

"Om~ Om~ Om" The sharp flapping sound of wings resembled death rattles, and the neat flying formations, when they were about to rush to the martial artist's body, suddenly dispersed, sealing their escape space, and then it was fierce. Hit the ground,

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" The crisp sound of impact echoed in the empty hall, accompanied by the martial artist's heart-piercing roar,

"Ah! It's hot, let me die!"

A tertiary martial artist covered with hot flames all over his body was rolling on the ground in pain, and his shoulder knife was thrown aside. No matter how he roared, the flame on his body was extinguished without any reduction.

There were also a few more powerful men who carried a knife and strangled a few blazing locusts, but there were a few large black holes lit up on their clothes, and there were dots of hot flames burning on their skins.

Wang Mang looked at the few warriors who were still able to resist, and did not increase the frequency of the Explosive Locust attacks. Only the Panlong Ring flashed slightly, and the familiar Molong Spear turned into a tiny black needle. Appeared in Wang Mang's hands,

Wang Mang placed the Molong Spear on the worm pattern in the center of his left hand, and a strange and cold ghost fire suddenly appeared.

This is the attribute attack that I got after I was promoted to Tier 3. I don't use it much in normal times. Today is to let these warriors see what real fear is!

After the Molong Spear was burned by the extremely cold Nether Flame for a while, it was like an invisible weapon that instantly penetrated several warriors who were still resisting the attack.

The black needle is very small, and the breakdown position is also in the arm and thigh position. It stands to reason that there will be no life-threatening injury in these positions. However, after a few seconds, the brains of these warriors suddenly panic. There was a burst of unspeakable fear!

pain! The pain of tearing the soul!

There were a few stubborn guys who were firm in their will, and could endure even if the unquenchable fire burned on their skin, they couldn't withstand this pain. Their bodies were so soft that they couldn't bear the pain directly, and a few fainted suddenly past,

The brawny man and sister Hua sitting in the seats were even more terrified when they saw Wang Mang's various methods of attack!

Seeing Wang Mang sitting calmly in his chair, he was also grateful for his decision just now!

The mood of the dozen or so warriors squatting in the corner at this time is even more unspeakable. It stands to reason that it should be extremely painful to be robbed of the Qiankun Bag, but seeing the pain of these people who are unwilling to hand over the Qiankun Bag, I couldn’t help feeling a bit of joy and relief in my heart,

I saw it, even if I gave up my belongings and at least saved my life, the sale is still a good deal. Several people smiled and gave themselves a reasonable psychological comfort.

Wang Mang looked at the dozen or so corpses in the hall that had been burned to death by the inexhaustible burning fire. He also snapped his fingers with a smile, and the burning flames instantly went out.

The swarms of explosive locusts flying like a river also flew back into Wang Mang’s sac. Wang Hu hurriedly collected all the unburned Qiankun bags around the corpse and gave them to Wang Mang.

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