Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 385: Wounded Wang Mang

After Wang Mang broke open the roof of the Black Alley Hall, he did not take Wang Hu and Sun Er quickly towards the Haitian Pavilion. Instead, he quickly landed on the ground, lifting the worms and leading them in the small alley where the two people were in traffic. After running away from the black alley area, he was holding his chest against the wall and panting.

"Brother Mang, your injury!" Wang Hu saw that the chest of Wang Mang's coat had been soaked with scarlet blood, his eyes widened and his head was shocked.

There was only one thought in his mind: Brother Mang was seriously injured!

Wang Mang panted with a pale face, waved his hand weakly at Wang Hu, and said weakly, "Ahu, quickly take me to a safe place. I just held it for too long. I must I have to find a place to heal my injuries!"

Wang Mang's consciousness was already a little confused at this time, but he still insisted on his spirit and quickly made a rational decision. Haitian Pavilion is absolutely unable to return now. Killing the old man Jinhui, if the forces behind him find out about himself, the result will be disastrous. !

"Okay! Brother Mang, I'll carry you! Sun Er, hurry up and lead the way!" Wang Hu was also anxious at this time. Brother Mang was so seriously injured that he couldn't delay it for half a minute!

Sun Er, with a thick beard, did not hesitate too much at this time. What happened in the hall just now is still vivid. The two people of unknown origin have not killed themselves because they have the greatest trust in themselves. At this time, you should It's time for Yongquan to report!

"Two, follow me, I know where is the safest place!" Sun Er watched the surrounding environment vigilantly, figured out the approximate location, greeted Wang Hu, and trot in front to lead the way.

Sun Er deserves to be one of the best guides in this city. As far as the level of familiarity with this city is concerned, I am afraid that no one can match theirs!

In the chaotic alleys of the vertical and horizontal complex residential houses, Sun Er is like an old horse who knows the way, leading Wang Mang and Wang Hu to trot through several complicated alleys, to the outside of a green brick wall, facing that Some of the faded wooden doors were patted vigorously, and they shouted anxiously towards the courtyard: "Zhao Cuihua, please open the door to Laozi! There is something urgent!"

"Come on, who is it?" A somewhat vicissitudes of female voice responded to the outside of the courtyard, followed by a rush of rushing steps.

The gray wooden door of "Kara" was opened. A beautiful woman who was about 35 years old, with a milf-like charm, was a little surprised when she saw Sun Er outside the courtyard.

"Second brother, didn't you say that you would come back tonight? You said that you are going to bring two major customers to purchase supplies today."

"Walk into the house, Cuihua, get out of the way quickly,"

Sun Er looked left and right looking at whether anyone was passing by, and seeing this beautiful woman blocking the door, he also hurriedly pushed Cuihua into the small courtyard, so that Wang Hu, who was carrying Wang Mang on his back, also hurried in.

After everyone came in, Sun Er quickly closed the wooden door as if afraid that someone would see it, and fastened it with a wooden bolt.

When Zhang Cuihua saw Sun Er's panic, she was quite worried and frightened, so she hurriedly asked, "Second brother, second brother, what's the matter? What's wrong!"

At this time, Wang Hu saw a wicker chair in the yard, trot a few steps, carefully put Wang Mang on his back on the wicker chair, and said to Wang Mang with worry, "Brother Mang, it is safe here for the time being,"

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