Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 388: Amazing harvest!

In the early morning of the next day, "Oh~h~hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

"Oh!" Wang Mang half propped himself up, frowned and retched toward the washbasin next to the bed. A thick, disgusting black blood spurted from Wang Mang's mouth like an arrow of water.

The dirty blood splashed in the basin, exuding a burst of unsmelling nausea, Wang Mang pulled a cloth from the bed and wiped his mouth, then took a glass of water and rinsed his mouth.

After spitting out the mouthwash, Wang Mang leaned on the bed with a relaxed expression on his face.

‘I’m really underestimating the old man, that so-called five-level martial artist is really not a vain name. The remaining poison of that palm will take me a whole day to restore detox. Fortunately, it finally survived! Wang Mang squeezed his fists hard, and found that after the body had removed the toxins, his vigor had recovered by seven or eight points, and his energy was much more energetic. Even the healing speed of the wounds on his chest has been accelerated a lot.

Wang Mang jumped out of bed, only wearing a pair of gray short sleeves and a pair of black shorts. Just standing there, he did not exude the slightest aura. Everyone could detect a chill of murderous aura.

Compared to before, although Wang Mang's strength hasn't improved much, his power is a lot stronger! That is the sublimation of the spirit after the battle of life and death!

"Brother Mang, you are awake!" Wang Hu half-closed his eyelids, his eye sockets were black, and there was a hint of excitement and joy between his eyebrows. When he saw Wang Mang was already able to get out of bed and walk, most of his worries disappeared.

Wang Hu relaxed his breath and rubbed his hands with excitement: "Brother Mang! Let's send it! Last night, Sun Er and I checked all the items in Qiankun's bag overnight, in those Qiankun bags. There are so many treasures!"

Wang Mang was also a little curious when he saw Wang Hu's excitement. Yesterday he was in the hall. He just looked roughly at a few items in Qiankun's bag. He didn't even look at them one by one. He didn't expect Ahu and Sun Er to be the same. In the evening, all the gains are counted!

"Ahu, don't sell it, just say it quickly," Wang Mang took out a box of cigarettes from Panlong Ring, and after handing it to Wang Hu, he sat on the bedside smoking a cigarette expectantly, ready to listen to Ahu's inventory of his harvest. !

"Brother Mang, you are mentally prepared!" Wang Hu took the cigarette, watched Wang Mang laughed twice, and handed a list to Wang Mang.

‘A total of 1645 puppets of various types, one-level puppets: 920, two-level puppets: 410, three-level puppets 177, four-level puppets, and five-level puppets 2! ’

‘Weapons and concealed weapons have a total of 55 pieces. There are many sword weapons, 33 concealed weapons, Tianleizi, Xiujian, and 4 concealed nails.’

‘There are a total of 41 secrets of mind and martial arts, including one high-level mind and two secrets of martial arts, 9 intermediate minds, 19 secrets of martial arts, 6 low-level minds, and 4 secrets of martial arts.’

‘All kinds of sundries, the unidentifiable statistics are about 1,900,’

‘There are 68,000 spiritual crystals in total, 30,000 taels of gold and 150,000 taels of silver! ’

Wang Mang looked at this detailed list of items. Every time he read one, his heart was pounding and beating violently. The more he looked down, the more excited he became. He didn't even know that the lit cigarette in his hand burned to the end. He clapped his hands happily, "Okay! Okay! I really don't lose the palm of my hand! Earn it!"

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