Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 392: Tianzihao Private Room

Seeing this little servant coming to ask questions, his eyes also showed undisguised disdain, and he said arrogantly: "Go and find out the name of the young master in this city! Master is not a poor man! Come here today. You are here to give you face, don't be shameless, just avoid it!"

"Okay...Okay...you don't be angry, son, the younger one is doing things according to the rules, please let me know!

"The two little servants who were still arrogant, saw that Wang Mang was all puny and expensive, and the rings on his fingers were quite extraordinary. They didn't want to offend, so they greeted Wang Mang and his party with a flattering smile. In the hall,

After entering the hall, Sun Er smiled at Wang Mang twice, and whispered: "My lord, I have already inquired clearly. There are indeed invitations for this spring sale, but the invitations are just limited to what you want to see. The lively people only came in. An invitation cost 50 taels. The three of us saved 150 taels this time!"

Wang Mang was speechless when he looked at Sun Er. Is he the one short of 150 taels of silver? For the 150 taels of silver, I even cooperated in acting! That was the first show of his acting career!

"Sun Er, let's quickly open a private room, this hall is not very convenient for people to come and go!"

Standing at the entrance of the hall with his hands behind his back, Wang Mang glanced around and found that the hall was unusually wide, similar to that kind of large conference hall!

It can be decorated, but the seats are all unique and exotic. The tens of thousands of large seat sofas are arranged neatly and regularly.

The soft gray-brown leather on the sofa exudes a faint fragrance, and it feels very comfortable and comfortable with a light touch!

While looking around the hall, Sun Er had already brought a beautiful, classically-dressed maid, and smiled at Wang Mang and said, "My son, just tell her!"

Wang Mang looked at the little maid who was pulled by Sun Er, but he smiled unpretentiously at Wang Mang and said, "My son, what grade do you want?"

"I'm here for the first time, you can choose one for me!" Wang Mang waved his hand indifferently. Now he just wants to go to the elegant room to rest, and then recharge his energy to participate in this huge-scale spring auction. The others are really nothing. Claim!

Seeing Wang Mang's words, the pretty little maid's eyes flashed with joy, and she smiled and said, "My son, I'll help you choose the one that suits you best. What do you think of Tianzi Yajian?"

After listening to the little maid’s words, Wang Mang was about to nod his head, but he saw that Sun Er frowned and shook his head desperately at Wang Mang with an anxious expression on his face.

"What's the matter? Sun Er, isn't the size of Yajian not good this day?" Wang Mang was also curious as he looked at the appearance of Sun Er shaking his head to make himself refuse.

"My lord, I have heard of this elegant room. Everything is good, but the price is... a bit bad!"

The little maid rolled her eyes in disgust at Sun Er, and said with a bitter face: "My son, the services in the Tianzihao's private room are top-notch! For example, the sound insulation effect is strong, and the confidentiality is strong. The items can be delivered as soon as possible!"

"The price is...how much!?" Wang Mang still asked curiously.

The little maid stretched out five fingers with embarrassment, "Five thousand spirit crystals!"

"Damn! Sun Er, you are right. The price is more than bad, it's crazy!" Wang Mang looked at the five fingers of the little maid in shock. Five thousand spirit crystals are five thousand small crystals. Stone! There are a total of 50,000 gold dragon coins!

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