Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 400: High price dragon blood

Wang Mang stood up, quietly perceiving the thunderous heartbeat of the golden mother worm in the insect pattern. That is the pursuit of a higher life origin!

Wang Mang sank into the worm pattern and looked at the golden mother worm with Zhang grinning her mouthparts and wriggling hurriedly. He also had a certain belief in that drop of dragon blood in his heart!

The last time the golden mother worm issued the same desire to desire, it was the moment when Hua Feibai was killed and swallowed his mother worm.

And now, the eager will of the golden female worm in the insect pattern is more than dozens of times stronger than it was then! It seems that if you absorb this drop of dragon blood, you can be promoted to a new level of life!

Li Chong on the auction stage looked at the astonished expressions of everyone in the audience. He also shook the vial, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's not the blood of an ordinary dragon, but the real dragon formed by the concentration of energy from the whole body of the dragon. Blood! Legend has it that ten drops of true dragon blood can be condensed from a dragon, and it can be transformed into a dragon ball and become the supreme true dragon!"

"Don't you want such a drop of blood?" Li Chong raised his eyebrows, his tone raised a bit, and said to the crowd agitatedly.

"Damn, of course I want it! A drop of real dragon blood can at least help me withstand the thunder calamity! It is also possible to transform myself and have the power of the dragon! Who doesn't want such a treasure?"

A scared man exuding a reckless aura, his eyes greedily looked at the golden dragon blood in Li Chong's hand, his tone was paused, and he roared again: "Li Chong, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and say a bidding price. Well, I am devoting everything I can to clap this dragon blood!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, no matter how good things are, there is always a reserve price, but I don't know how high the price of this dragon blood can be!

"Then good folks, I won't sell it anymore. The blood of this true dragon has a reserve price of five thousand spirit crystals!"

Li Chong smiled at the crowd, put the vial of dragon blood in his hand on a tray in the hands of a beautiful woman, and walked down the auction stand swayingly.

The amiable auctioneer saw Li Chong stepping down from the auction platform, and also restored the flushed face, shouting excitedly: "Okay! Everyone, the reserve price is five thousand spirit crystals! Do you want to bid?"

"I have six thousand spirit crystals!" The scarred man's eyes almost glowed green when looking at the dragon's blood, full of greed and possessiveness!

"I have seven thousand spirit crystals! I am about to go through the six thunderstorms soon, I hope you will give me Yao some face! I will be rewarded in the future!" A sturdy man with a dark face and a righteous suit shouted the bidding price. Then he smiled and clasped his fists at everyone in the hall.

"Go! I have ten thousand spirit crystals! This dragon blood is also worthy of you waiting for juniors? Aren't you afraid of wealth or morality?" A vigorous and vicissitudes of old man's voice came from the private room on the second floor.

"You... Old Piff!" The sturdy young man with a dark face pointed to the position of the private room on the second floor with an angry face, but in the face of the high bidding price, he could only sigh helplessly, lonely Sat back on the sofa,

"Okay! The guest in the private room on the second floor bid 10,000 Lingjing! A full ten thousand Lingjing! Is there any higher one?!" The auctioneer standing on the stage faced this rare high bid and held it. The hands of the gavel trembled slightly, drips of excited sweat slipped from his forehead.

"No one intends to increase the price anymore? This is the rare blood of a real dragon in the world! If you miss this village, you won't have this shop! Does anyone want to get dragon blood?"

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