Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 407: Spring auction ends

Just as Wang Mang continued to watch several forces in the hall with great interest, the door of Tianzihao Yajian was knocked once again.

"Ahu, you go to open the door,"

Wang Hu bit the apple and nodded, and opened the door of the house with one hand. When he saw the magnificent middle-aged patron outside the door, he did not dare to stop him, and unconsciously let his body go.

"Little brother, this, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that we will meet again so soon... I want to verify the little brother's... financial resources;" Two or three minutes ago, I came to Yajian and Wang Mang's vice pavilion to pledge items Lord, at this moment, he scratched his head in embarrassment. He hesitated and explained his intention with Wang Mang.

Wang Mang smiled when he looked at the embarrassment of the pavilion master, "Heh, I know this. I heard the words in the hall just now in the elegant room, just to verify if I have those 86,000 spiritual crystals. Right, here,"

Wang Mang said as he handed him the Universe Bag pinned to his waist, his face didn't show any anger at all, just a calm look.

The deputy pavilion master saw that Wang Mang was so calm and hadn't checked the Qiankun bag. He had three points more confidence in the authenticity of the bid price. He took the Qiankun bag in Wang Mang's hand, and just glanced at it just a few moments to make an inventory. Out of the approximate number of spirit crystals, he let out a hearty laugh and said: "Haha! The little brother is really magnanimous in doing things! It is my behavior that looks like a villain, this silver silkworm soft armor is regarded as my representative for Wanbao Pavilion. Please make up your little brother,"

The magnificent middle-aged pavilion master saw that the number of spirit crystals in Wang Mang's Qiankun bag was almost the same as the number of 86,000, and the friendly smile on his face was even more friendly. He took out a piece of ice and jade from his personal purse bag. The silver soft armor, which looked like a jade carving, was tucked into Wang Mang’s arms.

Without waiting for Wang Mang to stay, he left the room, but after a few moments, the majestic middle-aged male voice reappeared in the hall: "The number of spirit crystals is undoubtedly verified. Please be sure to comply with the bidding. order!!"

Several elders of warriors who originally wanted to open their mouths to curse, heard the faint threats revealed in this majestic male voice, and swallowed their saliva. The body that was about to stand up also sat down slowly.

"Damn, a bunch of bastards! Let's go!"

The Patriarch of the Yao family was holding a hot ginseng tea in both hands, blowing the heat and preparing to drink it. Upon hearing this sound, the blue veins on his temple suddenly burst, and the tea cup in his hand fell severely to the ground. After screaming, the elder warriors of Yao family beckoned and left the field one after another.

Several other big families that had hoped to bid, all looked very ugly as if they had eaten flies, and with an unwilling, angry face, got up and left.

The originally crowded and noisy hall, as the large and small forces left the field one after another, the number of people was reduced by a fraction, and the warriors kept getting up and leaving the field.

The auctioneer on the auction stage saw that the matter had been resolved, and he was relieved, and shouted in a weak tone: "The first time for the Diamond Transformation Dragon Artifact 86,000 Lingjing! Will anyone continue to bid?"

"The second time for eighty-six thousand spirit crystals of the Diamond Transforming Dragon Art!"

"The third time for the Diamond Transforming Dragon Technique 86,000 Lingjing! The Diamond Transforming Dragon Technique was successfully sold! This is the end of the spring auction!" The auctioneer put down the gavel in his hand, and finished the formulaic concluding remark in a hurry. He exhaled a turbid breath and wiped the white handkerchief in his pocket on his sweaty face.

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