Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 409: alarm

Wang Hu was holding the lychees in one hand, and quickly biting open the skin one by one, chewing with relish, and nodding admiringly, his expression on his face was very satisfying.

Wang Mang walked between the two with his hands behind his back. He looked at Wang Hu and Sun Er from the left. He shook his head speechlessly. Each of these two people is thicker than the other. Is it really good to eat so much on this street?

Wang Mang shook his head and quickly walked a few steps, but suddenly he remembered something, he turned his head and looked back. The bustling street behind him was naturally crowded with people, but Wang Mang still looked towards him. At the entrance of Wanbao Pavilion, a group of men dressed in family uniforms with solid momentum walked to the entrance of Wanbao Pavilion. The leader among them was the Yao Patriarch who was vomiting blood before.

Too far away, Wang Mang only vaguely saw that Yao Family Patriarch roared toward the hall with a grim face, and when his face became softer, a warrior who had been squatting at the door cautiously approached him. Said a few words,

When the Patriarch of the Yao family heard the words of the warrior, his face was even more angry, and the expression on his face was savagely distorted, unwilling to raise his head to the sky and let out an angry roar that resounded through the street;

Wang Mang looked at the extremely angry look of the Yao family’s Patriarch, and smiled involuntarily. He felt a little depressed because of the gleam of flowers in his heart.

"Ahu, Sun Er go faster, let's go back and take a closer look at the things we just bought;" Wang Mang smiled and said to Sun Er and Wang Hu who were chewing on fruits beside him.

As soon as Wang Hu heard this, his eyes brightened, he chewed the fruit in his mouth vigorously, and swallowed hard, yes, he and Brother Mang have already left Wanbao Pavilion, that is, there is no danger, then now Why are you still hanging out on the street? I really like that mighty cast iron sword!

Wang Hu wiped his mouth and wiped his hands on his clothes. He couldn't wait to say in his eyes: "Brother Mang, let's go faster, I've long wanted to appreciate the knife!"

When Wang Mang was about to nod his head and say a few words, suddenly a harsh alarm sounded from the tower of the city gate, "Woo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A high-decibel piercing alarm caused everyone on the street to stop and stun God. They looked at the city gate tower with confusion and shock!

But after only three to five seconds, everyone was stunned, and then they made a series of horrified shouts. Several ladies who were originally graceful and happy shopping, when they heard the alarm, the original dignified lady's posture was also missing in an instant, one by one. Shouting loudly with horror,

"Danger alert! This is a danger alert! There is a monster attacking the city!!!" A handsome scholar with a long sword on his waist reacted, but shouted in disbelief, and then it was like a monster. The trembling quail got into the shop beside the street.

"Huh? Sun Er, what's the situation!?" Wang Mang held his hands behind his back and watched the people on the street running around in panic and fear. He also asked Sun Er beside him with some doubts.

At this time, Sun Er, the fruit he was biting in his mouth was too late to swallow, he just stared blankly at the direction of the city gate tower, his lips moved unconsciously, he was awakened by Wang Mang's question, and he was out of control. Trembling, stammering, said: "Big...sir....Monster beast siege!...this is Monster Beast siege!...and it's still...the monster beast above the seventh level. !"

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