Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 428: Harvesting method

Liu Ying was praised by Wang Mang, and the smile on her face became more delicate, showing two neat rows of small white teeth, and her big bright eyes were narrowed with smile.

"Husband, it must not be easy to get this soft armor," Liu Ying gently stroked the smooth surface of the silver silkworm soft armor. Then she remembered something and looked at Wang Mang worriedly.

Wang Mang smiled and waved his hand and said, "Xiaoying, you guessed wrong. This soft armor was given to me by the owner of the auction house when I participated in the auction. Not only did he give me a soft armor, he also gave me a soft armor. A little bag, here;"

Wang Mang flashed the pouch-style universe sleeve pocket at Liu Yingliang, and Liu Ying turned from worry to joy, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was happy for her husband’s harvest.

"Boss, Boss, you can tell me about the experience in that different time and space!" Qian Xiaobai was also interested in the exquisite soft armor at this time, urging Wang Mang with excitement on his face.

When Wang Mang saw that everyone around him was also curious, he also paused, and told a few people about the events of the past two days. When everyone heard the harvest in the bag, they all grumbled one by one. With his fists, his face was full of excitement,

"Husband, there are so many puppets, we want to sell, and there is no channel! Is it true that we have to go to the gathering place to sell one by one?" Liu Ying frowned, and soon thought of handling the harvest. problem,

When Wang Mang heard Liu Ying's question, he shook his head and smiled and said: "Xiaoying, you forgot, I have a strange treasure, and most of the strong men standing at the top of the human pyramid will have this trading bracelet! There are very few solo travelers behind them, and most of them are cultivated by various forces exhausting their resources. Their financial resources cannot be underestimated!"

Liu Ying suddenly nodded when she heard Wang Mang’s explanation. Yes, trading bracelets can communicate with the world’s treasures, and users are all top powerhouses. The sales of these puppets are really not worrying.

"Let’s talk about it later, I guess Brother Mang and Brother Tiger haven’t eaten when they come back. Now they have already had their meal. Let’s cook another meal for Brother Mang and Brother Tiger to pick up the dust," Zhang Lan, who is dressed smartly, said Wang Mang smiled and blinked playfully.

"Ahem! Zhang Lan was right. Ahu and I went to the auction since early in the morning. We haven't eaten lunch until now. What time is it now?" Wang Mang looked at Zhang Lan and blinked at him. I also hurriedly turned my head, this orchid is too bold, Xiaoying is still around, if I misunderstand something, what can I say!

"Brother Mang, it's half past two. To tell you the truth, my stomach has screamed a lot of hunger. Let's just eat and talk." Wang Hu covered his stomach with an uncomfortable face, and he didn't feel like eating too much. It's uncomfortable. The fruits eaten at the auction have long been digested.

Wang Mang was also hungry, and nodded following Wang Hu's words, and instructed Qian Xiaobai to pack the tableware and let Zhang Lan and Xiaoying make more hard dishes later!

"Hmm! Xiaoying still has one hand. The mutton in this sauce is crispy and rotten, and the sauce is soaked in the bones. It's so fragrant!" Wang Mang picked up a roasted and crispy lamb chop and chewed it. The mutton was fresh and tender. It is perfectly combined with the flavor of the sauce, and it really has a different taste!

"Husband, you can eat more if it tastes good, look at you, the sauce is sticking to your mouth everywhere" Liu Ying put her cheek in one hand, with a sweet face watching Wang Mang eating lamb chops, seeing Wang Mang's mouth full It’s the sauce. Liu Ying picked up a paper towel and carefully wiped it clean for Wang Mang.

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