Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 434: Raise money

"I said, sir, do you take me for this price? Just go grab 300,000 gold dragon coins! You can't grab so much!" The middle-aged man, holding back the anger in his heart, said to Wang Mang.

Wang Mang didn’t get angry when he heard him say this. Instead, he smiled and said soothingly: “Hey, how can I say that? , It was originally what you wished for,"

"But this price is obviously unreasonable. Who can make up so many Golden Dragon coins at this stage?! This is simply impossible!!"

Wang Mang coughed lightly. Even though Wang Mang's face was thick enough, he blushed a little at this time. It really didn't cost much to get this puppet by himself, but the things are vaguely expensive. The whole world has it by himself, and it is not expensive to sell. Well,

"And you know, your Excellency, we just bought the William Firecracker, and the purchase of the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars has exhausted our previous savings, and we have no more money to buy now!"

The tone of Li Gu sitting in the main hall of the city is a bit embarrassed and anxious. He is already middle-aged. He is the golden age of a man’s career. If he has this magical puppet, his power can definitely be doubled. what! But now I really can't come up with a huge sum of 300,000 yuan!

Wang Mang rubbed his chin, thought for a while and said, "Then tell me how much you can make. If I can accept it, I will sell it to you first. Otherwise, I can only find another partner. I believe me. This puppet is still very attractive to those big forces!"

When Li Gu heard Wang Mang's words, he immediately looked a little eager, and said quickly, "Don't don't! Your Excellency, wait a while, I'll go find a way to raise it first, and give me half an hour?"

"Well, it's only half an hour. If you can't get it together in half an hour, I'll contact someone."

"Well, sir, wait a minute, it's troublesome,"

Originally, Li Gu, who was walking in a stern, majestic and imposing manner, used honorifics in his language when facing Wang Mang at the other end of the trading bracelet. Obviously, he was also anxious.

As soon as the call was hung up, Li Gu, who was sitting on the main seat in the lobby, slapped the trading bracelet on the coffee table, and shouted at the several supernaturalists in the lobby with a grim face: "Several people , Quickly find the leaders of the various factions in the city, as well as the wealthy businessmen, anyway, all the rich are invited to the city lord’s mansion, hurry! Tell them that a great wealth is waiting here They, it depends on whether they can seize the opportunity!"

As soon as Li Gu’s words fell, several supernaturalists in the hall nodded seriously, flew out of the hall and rushed to various places in the city to inform them.

Time passed by, and Li Gu, who was always calm and composed, was walking anxiously in the hall at this time. He looked at the pocket watch on his chest from time to time, mumbling at the speed of these people.

"My Lord, the gang leader of the Whale Gang in the east of the city is here,"

"Please, please, please, forget it, let me go personally." When Li Gu heard that someone was coming, he grabbed the trading bracelet on the coffee table and rushed out of the lobby to greet the mad whale helper.

That mighty and fierce man, when he saw the Lord of the City go out to greet him personally, he was stunned. He still had a belly in his heart. Hey, this is not normal. Li Gu, the guy with a stinky face all day, would go out. Greet yourself, and smile his mother, there won’t be any moths, right?

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