Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 436: Collective funding

Li Gu is worthy of the city lord of a huge gathering place. This brazen face-changing skill is really rare. He had a stinky face before, and suddenly smiled, holding Qian Whale’s hand with affection in his eyes.

"This, okay, then I'll sit down for a while and see what everyone says,"

Qian Jing hesitated, and found a chair to sit down. If possible, he would also be willing to invest in this artifact that can make weapons. His gang has a large number of manpower, and weapons have always been in short supply.

However, in seven or eight minutes, the most powerful merchants in the gathering place were all attracted by Li Gu’s wealth.

Li Gu looked at the five or six people in the lobby, but he didn't want to say any more. He just explained a few words so that they could circulate the trading bracelet to each other.

This group of people who can be called the high level of the gathering place, saw Wang Mang hanging out the puppet, their eyes were straight, and they looked at the introduction of the puppet several times, wishing to read it word by word.

"Everyone, I'm not wrong, this is indeed a great wealth! I called everyone to come this time, but I couldn't bear to swallow this huge benefit, so that many brothers have no benefit to enjoy, so I am also discussing whether or not to buy it. This artifact!"

Li Guqing looked at the five or six people in the hall deeply, with a heart-to-heart in his tone, as if treating all of them as brothers.

"City lord, don't give up, I'm a man, you just say what you want, do you want to pay?!" A big fat man dressed up by a local rich man patted the armrest, and the fat on his face was all Shaked twice, with a look of impatience,

Turtle! Li Gu glanced at the fat man and couldn't help but despise him, but he still smiled and said: "I've calculated an account for everyone. This puppet can make a Tier 2 weapon, and it can work day and night. Working for a whole year, with sufficient materials, one thousand weapons can be made every day!"

"Everyone knows that the second-order weapons in the stele have risen to five golden dragon coins, but the materials are so cheap. The scales, teeth and bones on the second-order monster beasts are all materials! It can be said that the materials are not expensive! The key is the puppet money of the three hundred thousand golden dragon coins."

"When the weapon is created, how about the share of the weapon that I get every day according to the respective investment?"

Li Gu put all the benefits of this puppet before everyone's eyes, and he was also anxious in his heart.

If you can’t raise enough Gold Dragon coins quickly, the seller sells them to others, but you have nothing to do with yourself. If you buy them collectively from the place where you gather, you can also share the profits, and you won’t get any benefits. Not!

Just as everyone was pondering over Li Gu’s words, the fat middle-aged fat man moved the emerald ring on his fat hand, and said first: "Sir, the benefits of this treasure are visible to everyone. If I really buy it, I will invest one hundred thousand gold dragon coins!"

"But you have to set up a paper for each other, and you must not embezzle your own interests in the distribution of weapons. This paper has to use the parchment provided by the stone tablet! So everyone can rest assured!"

The fat man looked at his brain full of fat, with a lot of heart and eyes, Li Gu smiled kindly, nodded and said: "This is natural, set up a written statement to make each other feel at ease,"

Qian Jing also pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice, "In that case, I will also contribute 50,000 yuan!"

"En? A Jing, didn't you say that the money on the account is only seven thousand?" Li Gu narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of questions when he looked at Qian Jing.

"Hey! I have a bad memory. I just forgot the income from fishing, ha ha," Qian Jing smiled embarrassedly and touched his head.

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