Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 444: Self-punishment

By the evening of the next day, Liu Ying finally woke up from sleep, with a slight movement of her palm, that solid support was still there! Liu Ying opened her eyes and looked at Wang Mang who was sitting next to the bed. She also asked, "My husband, how long have I slept?"

Wang Mang patted Liu Ying's hand, pointed to the window and said, "Xiaoying, look outside the window."

"It's dusk. It seems that I slept for a long time." Liu Ying looked at the golden blurred sunset outside the glass window, and took a deep breath. It feels so good!

"Xiaoying, it's already the dusk of the next day," Wang Mang raised Liu Ying's pillow so that she could sit and leaned on the pillow to talk.

"Ah! No wonder the stomach is so hungry!" Liu Ying cried out in surprise, and then frowned and stroked her belly. It turned out that she was in a coma for two days, and she slept so deeply.

"Xiaoying, wait! Ahu, fast! Get the food!" Wang Mang shouted into the communication ring. After a while, the door of the house was opened, and Wang Hu trot with four or five trays. After walking in, Qian Xiaobai, who was carrying a round table, followed.

"Brother Mang, the food is ready, it's warm, there are still some big dishes Zhang Lan is frying!" Qian Xiaobai spread the round table on the shelf, and Wang Hu put the food on the table neatly, seeing that the dishes were not rich enough. , Immediately shouted,

"Well, let Zhang Lan speed up, Xiaoying is hungry!" Wang Mang watched the extremely fast movements of these two men, pretending to be serious, and said.

"Okay, boss, there are steaks behind. Sister Lan has fried more than 80 basin-sized pieces, which should be enough for us!" Qian Xiaobai said, and he looked at the table covetedly. The delicious food, the saliva is almost dripping,

Liu Ying said dumbfoundedly: "Husband, why do I eat so much? Hurry up and call Sister Lan over. Don't serve the dishes. Let's have enough of these dishes."

Wang Mang nodded and said to Qian Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, go to the kitchen and talk to Zhang Lan. You don't need to cook any other dishes except steak."

"Okay." After Qian Xiaobai got the order, he trot and left. After a few minutes, he walked in with a big urn. The big urn was filled with a thick smell of meat and pieces of sauce. The huge steak wrapped in juice lies quietly in the vat,

Wang Mang also helped Liu Ying put on the shoes, and moved a down-to-earth master chair for Liu Ying to sit on. During the seven days when he fell into a lonely space, it was too hard for Xiaoying.

Soon Zhang Lan took care of the things in the kitchen. He came with a large bowl of rice porridge and a steamer steamed bun. Seeing that several people were seated, Liu Ying, who was still recovering her luster, also smiled and said: "Little Ying, you were worried about your sister before, but now it’s okay, as beautiful as before."

"Okay, okay, Zhang Lan, sit down, and I will say a few words," Wang Mang stood up holding a glass of drink and said, "Ten days ago I was pulled into a mysterious space because of my mental strength. I thought I just stayed for two days, but I didn't expect to be awake for seven days, which made everyone worried, so I replaced the wine with a drink and fined myself a glass!"

Wang Mang drank the drink in the cup and filled it again. He patted Liu Ying on the shoulder beside him and smiled and said, "This cup of Jing Xiaoying, as a man, I am unqualified. Ying is worried that if there is no Xiao Ying to take care of this time, my life is dying, so this cup is for my lover: Xiao Ying,"

Liu Ying, with dim tears on the side, also forcibly held back the tears, and said with a smile: "Well, my husband, I respect you too!" After that, she picked up the cup and drank it.

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