Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 446: Practice

On the afternoon of the second day when Wang Mang was promoted to Intermediate Level 3, on the roof of the low building, Wang Mang was shirtless and standing quietly wearing only a pair of big pants. Wang Hu standing beside a large wooden barrel looked a little ugly and wrinkled. Mei Mei said to Wang Mang with some embarrassment: "Brother Mang, do you mean let me fill this wooden barrel with corrosive venom?"

Wang Mang nodded affirmatively at Wang Hu, "Yes, Ahu filled this wooden barrel with corrosive venom with your poisonous hand, I want to practice!"

"Okay, I'll do my best!" Wang Hu sighed quietly, looked at the man's tall wooden barrel, and looked at his right hand, a little inexplicably melancholy.

"Ahu, you better hurry up, this is blowing wind, I am a little cold, and don't worry about the barrel leaking, I have spent more than a thousand gold dragon coins exchanged from the stone tablet, it will not be corroded Yes, you just need to put the venom on it," Wang Mang felt the cold wind on the rooftop, and put on a cotton jacket first.

"Husband, is that demonic forging method so cruel to practice?" Liu Ying stood by, biting a purple berry in her mouth, watching Wang Hu's right hand turn into a poisonous hand, and the turbulent venom poured into the barrel. , I couldn't help but worry a little for Wang Mang,

"Xiaoying, this is still the entry-level cultivation of that magic body forging method. Compared with the various cultivation methods in the future, this is considered easy," Wang Mang shook his hand, thinking of the several extremely terrifying cultivation methods behind. I couldn't help but shudder,

"Brother Mang, the venom is ready! Let's wash it while it's hot," Wang Hu opened a bottle of green life essence with one hand and poured it into his mouth. Seeing that the venom in the barrel was finally filled, he was relieved to let it go. Full of this vat of venom, my own supernatural energy is almost used up,

"Okay!" Wang Mang took off the cotton-padded jacket on his shoulders, and leaned toward the barrel shirtlessly, watching the thick and viscous purple venom on the barrel, and a few poisonous bubbles appeared from time to time. Wang Mang gritted his teeth. , Holding the side of the bucket with one hand, turned into the bucket,

"Puff! Puff~~" Wang Mang jumped into the wooden barrel, reducing a large piece of extremely corrosive venom, dripping it on the concrete floor, and immediately corroding the cement, exposing rusty steel bars.

And Wang Mang, who was in the wooden barrel, was covered in sticky venom, only his head was exposed outside of the venom.

At this moment, Wang Mang frowned, clenching his teeth hard, making a gurgling sound, his complexion turned from red to purple, and he looked quite scary. Drops of cold sweat slipped from his forehead, dripping onto the venom, making a harsh and corrosive sound. ,

Surrounded by venom, Wang Mang no longer has any extra thoughts at this moment. He just meditated silently according to the mental method of forging a devil in his mind. The more painful his body, the louder the silent meditation in Wang Mang’s heart.

It seems that this method is quite effective. As the mind speaks, a new layer of skin is recondensed within the skin that was corroded in an instant, and the regeneration speed is also extremely rapid. Before the venom has corroded the flesh and blood, the new skin His skin has covered the wound, preventing further corrosion of the venom,

Wang Mang soaked in the wooden barrel for three to five minutes, adapting to the corrosive speed of the venom, enduring the pain of the scorching skin, opened his eyes, and shouted at Wang Hu on the side: "Ahu, get the bottle of life essence. give me!"

Wang Hu, who had been paying close attention to Wang Mang’s situation, immediately took out a large bottle of life essence and handed it to Wang Mang in the wooden barrel.

Wang Mang stretched out his arm like a peeling old tree, took the essence of life, put his head up a few mouthfuls, took a deep breath, and buried his head in the venom. The whole person was completely immersed in the venom. , Began that cruel practice!

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