Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 448: mysterious

After Wang Mang tore off all the dead skin on his body, he put on his clothes and shoes, closed his eyes, and used his skin to perceive the surrounding situation. Really! The corner of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly, and he smiled, "Xiaoying, you take two steps to the left!"

Liu Ying was a little confused, but still did what Wang Mang said. Wang Mang closed his eyes, and through the perception of his skin, he could actually'see' the fuzzy Xiaoying, even moving in the same direction!

Wang Mang was shocked immediately! This magic body forging method, I have already experienced such a mystery before I get started! This is incredible!

Wang Mang tried to perceive Wang Hu from a further distance, but he could only'see' a gloomy darkness. Wang Mang's heart also understood a little bit. It is estimated that his cultivation time was too short, and his'visual range' was not large!

Wang Mang opened his eyes with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said to Liu Ying happily: "Xiaoying, I can see you even with my eyes closed, you say God is not magical!?"

Liu Ying was a little surprised, but she still laughed and said jokingly: "Then husband, have you practiced clairvoyance? You have to be wary of you after taking a bath!"

Wang Mang shook his head and said, "This is not perspective. I closed my eyes. The person'seeing' is very blurry, like a red light, and I can perceive the surrounding dead objects. Perspective is probably impossible. That's it!" Wang Mang's tone was a little regretful, if he could really see through, then he would be crooked!

"Okay, Ahu, please pour the venom in the wooden barrel, but I will have to suffer for you in the future. Ahu, I have to practice once every three days!" Wang Mang looked at him sitting next to the wooden barrel. Wang Hu also coughed awkwardly.

Fortunately, there is a tiger, otherwise just looking for the venom for soaking will require a lot of work!

A cool breeze blew on the roof of the low-rise building, Wang Mang felt a cold head and wiped his head, his eyes widened suddenly! Where's your own hair? ! Why is my hair gone! ?

Wang Hu, who was about to pour the venom, also saw Wang Mang’s bald head, and tried his best not to laugh, but the more he watched, the more he couldn’t help himself, he said, "Haha! Mang, your hair is gone. , The eyebrows seem to be gone!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang quickly stroked his brows, **** it! It's really gone! Standing next to Wang Mang, Liu Ying was already out of breath happily. She leaned on Wang Mang’s shoulder, touched Wang Mang’s bald head, and laughed again.

"Husband...hahaha...you..." I just watched the changes on my husband's body just now, and the hair and eyebrows were gone. I didn't notice it the first time.

Wang Mang quickly took out a mirror from the Panlong ring and looked at his chin, eyebrows, and even the top of his head. He was helplessly melancholy. I said that when I just rubbed his chin, how could I not feel the scum? It's all gone!

"Okay, okay, don't laugh, I don't know when this hair and eyebrows will grow out," Wang Mang touched his chilly head with a sad look. The weather is cold, why is his hair gone!

"By the way, Xiaoying Ahu, you guys will talk to Zhang Lan and Xiaobai later, let's set off tomorrow, the time spent in Shahe is too long!" Wang Mang frowned, forgetting the days, now the end of the world After that, the fourth month was almost halfway past, and we had to set off again towards the hidden dragon monument!

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