Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 452: move

The three of Liu Ying looked at the two identical low-rise buildings, and they were really surprised. The low-rise building turned into a low-rise building, even the mottled and rusty steel bars on the roof, are not bad at all. Except for the lack of furniture, everything is fine. The original has been copied,

Qian Xiaobai couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart. An accelerated run-up was to jump to the new low-rise building. He stroked the dilapidated aluminum alloy handrail, his eyes closed slightly, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

This feel is not bad at all! Qian Xiaobai closed his eyes and felt the severely damaged handrail with his heart, and his heart became more and more joyful.

This low building is considered half a home to myself, and I am still a little bit reluctant to leave suddenly. This time, I can live in with the boss anytime and anywhere in the future. That card is really amazing!

"Boss, let's replace the furniture and everything in this new low-rise building now, and live here at night!" Qian Xiaobai touched the painted wall again, and said with a rippling smile.

"Alright, let's move all these things today, and we will leave early tomorrow!" Wang Mang looked at the complete new low-rise building, and also smiled and agreed to Qian Xiaobai's proposal.

With Wang Mang's consent, Qian Xiaobai smiled and clapped his hands. Twenty or thirty zombies came out from nearby houses.

Qian Xiaobai stood on the rooftop and yelled at the group of corpses. The group of zombies walked into the low building one by one, carrying all kinds of furniture, and started their moving task.

Wang Mang looked at the scene in front of him, and he was a little envious of Qian Xiaobai. It's good to be a corpse king. Don't do anything by yourself. It's really convenient for his mother!

The moving business in full swing has been going on all day, not only the furniture was moved away by a non-pull, but even some empty rooms in the new low building were redesigned by Liu Ying.

I found many sofas and wallpaper from all over the town. After a few people installed it, this new low-rise building really smelled of home!

After all the moving was completed, the five people happily ate dinner in the new home. They gathered again to play cards. After drinking and drinking, they went to bed early, because tomorrow is about to start a new journey!

At 8:30 the next morning, Wang Mang and the others were sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast and chatting casually.

Wang Mang drank the gruel, sandwiched a piece of sirloin, chewed and said, "I said Xiaobai, you don’t care about your corpses. If you want to take them away, there is no place to house them. This new low-rise building becomes The card form of the Universe House can’t hold living things,"

Qian Xiaobai was smearing the buns with bright red Lao Ganma hot sauce. Hearing what Wang Mang said, he also stuffed the buns in his mouth, chewed the buns and said, "Boss! I have already thought about this, other zombies. I will not bring it, just the Tier 3 zombie that remains. I can definitely control it, and I won’t cause trouble to you, the boss.”

"That's good, by the way, I always have a question, Xiaobai, if a zombie can't eat for a long time, will it starve to death?"

Wang Mang was eating beef brisket, and a question suddenly appeared in his mind. Generally speaking, zombies can survive for a long time if they eat carrion or something. If they don't eat, will they die?

Qian Xiaobai was asked this, thinking about it, and said: "Boss, if you keep not eating, this zombie will definitely die, but they starve for much longer than humans. Humans don’t eat food, at most. It will starve to death in ten days, but a Tier 1 zombie can last for at least one year!"

"Within this year, the later it moves more slowly, because without food, there is no source of energy, it can only consume its own energy, and when the energy is exhausted, it will naturally die!"

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