Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 455: set off

Qian Xiaobai was not discouraged when Wang Mang yelled a few words. He kept watching the stupid pig humming and eating berries, and watching the golden smooth mane on his back, he was full of salivation. ,

Wang Mang looked at him in this way, slapped the back of his head angrily, pointed to the one-horned zombie next to him and said: "Don't take your Tier 3 zombie in the car, we Going to go!"

"Oh, that's great," Qian Xiaobai was scolded by Wang Mang, and he reluctantly glanced at the stupid pig while he promised, then turned to the Tier 3 zombie beside him, trying to stuff it into the car.

But that zombie had never been in a car before, being pushed by Qian Xiaobai like this, with a look of horror, holding the door of the car with his hand, he wouldn't let it go, no matter how he plugged it, he couldn't get it in.

Qian Xiaobai looked at the ferocious and majestic zombie under his hand, slapped angrily on top of its head, and cursed fiercely: "Is there any IQ? Didn't it in the last car?"

Qian Xiaobai pushed it two more forcefully. Seeing that the zombies were still holding the car door and not letting go, he was also angry from his heart. He kicked it in, and the car door was broken.

When Wang Mang saw that Qian Xiaobai finally handled his little brother, he also leaned in front of the stupid pig. A monkey climbed the tree, followed the bristles and climbed to the top of the stupid pig’s head, and patted the stupid pig’s head.

The stupid pig was patted by Wang Mang and he understood the owner's command. He gushed all the berries into his mouth, chewed and hummed, and made two happy pig calls.

Holding the map in his hand, Wang Mang pointed to a concrete road leading to the North Expressway, stood up and shouted at the two Land Rover cars behind him: "Go! Let's go!"

After that, the stupid pig under Wang Mang's **** raised his head slightly and let out a majestic roar toward the north. The huge and solid body, like an unstoppable heavy tank, suddenly started!

Different from other pig demon, the stupid pig has claw-like limbs, which is different from ordinary hoofs. A thick mat is wrapped with rough and hard claws, making the stupid pig a bit more hideous.

The body that is moving, every time it runs, the ground vibrates, ‘Boom~Boom~Boom~! It’s like beating a drum, and the frequency is getting faster and faster. Wang Hu and Qian Xiaobai behind him also drove to follow.

Wang Mang was lying comfortably on the back of a stupid pig, his body jolting slightly with the running of the stupid pig, his slightly stiff mane was like a massage, pressing Wang Mang’s body.

Wang Mang blocked the sun, squinted his eyes, and dialed the full range of communication ring on his finger, "Beep~beep~beep, hello, Xiaoying, come and accompany me, really lie on the pig’s back The sun is comfortable,"

"What? No? Why do you think the pigs are not clean? How can this be possible? The pigs I raise are hygienic, and even the urine and defecation are solved in a fixed place. How can it be unclean? Hello~ Hey?"

Looking at the hung-up call, Wang Mang also sighed sadly, grabbing the mane of the stupid pig beside him, regretting in his heart, God, why should I give me a pig as a pet! Don’t talk about tigers and leopards, just give them to horses!

Wang Mang sat up on the pig’s back and took a map to look at the road ahead. A thick woods blocked the concrete road. The stupid pig had no intention of slowing down. He straightened his fangs and rushed towards the woods. ,

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