Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 705: Sticky Giant Worm

"Raksha! Yousha! You two should stop messing around, that kid seems to be on the hillside soon! It's Raksha that you should deal with!"

Bingluo frowned slightly, pointed to a space-time projection on the stone slab on the wall, and also rounded up the two of them, indicating that business matters!

"Old beast, I am going to do business now, so I don't have the same knowledge as you,"

Rakshasa glanced at the screen on the projection, and shook his fist at Yousha disdainfully, "You wait until I blow your dog's head with a punch next time, and you will be thrown into my **** for hundreds of years. !!!"

Rakshasa did not wait for Yousha to respond, and walked straight to the projection. His figure flashed suddenly and disappeared into this bright white hut!

Yousha, whose face was flushed with anger, almost couldn't hold back a punch on his face when she heard Raksha's last words.

However, he was scrupulous about the rules, and still resisted not doing anything. He sat angrily on the stool for a long time before he said with great resentment: "Damn, I can't think of a way to deal with him!!"

After speaking, Bing Luo and the white official in a white robe laughed mercilessly.


At the same time, Wang Mang, who was breathing heavily, looked at the sticky and disgusting soft giant worms in front of him, and his arms trembled a little!

"What kind of monster is this? Is it really a bug? Why is it so hard to fight!" Wang Mang kicked a giant worm body that was about to turn into a pool of smelly slime, in a very bad mood!

"Om!" The sound of a knife resembling a sharp blade out of its sheath,

The black-armored praying mantis with a strength of Tier 4 wielded its tough and sharp forelimbs and slashed at the back of an eyeless giant insect that was only two or three meters high.

The hideous knife mark suddenly appeared, and the giant worm's back was severely cut and separated!

But the next scene made Wang Mang very familiar and helpless. The split and fractured wound was reorganized and healed in an instant, and the hideous and split knife mark disappeared in the next second, as if the knife hadn't hit its body at all!

Wang Mang sighed melanly, looking at the two dozen sticky giant worms left, he reluctantly took out an egg-sized dark grenade from his jacket pocket.

"I wanted to use it later, but I didn't expect it to be used now!" Wang Mang touched the smooth surface of the grenade, with a trace of reluctance. After using this magic stone grenade, he really didn't have any weapons!

But Wang Mang has always been decisive, staring at the sticky giant worms in front of him. With a crisp sound, Wang Mang opened the handle of the magic stone grenade and threw it violently at the giant worms.

With a loud "bang", the egg-sized magic stone grenade rolled on the ground a few times and landed exactly at the center of the pile of giant insects.

Suddenly, black fragments the size of soybeans flew away with a fiery explosion that skyrocketed!

‘Puff! ’‘Puff! The fragments of grenade shot through the body of the giant insect instantly, making sharp and piercing noises.

At the location closest to the center of the explosion, a dozen giant insects were instantly annihilated in the flames, and their viscous and self-healing bodies were finally wiped out in this violent explosion!

"I really made a profit when I bought this grenade!" Wang Mang murmured his eyes wide when he saw the amazing damage caused by the magic stone grenade.

I knew this magic stone grenade was so powerful, I should really buy a few more, or else how could I still use it so hard now? Just throw Lei Ping and lie down!

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