Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 710: Text on slate

Wang Mang’s top priority now is to find a weapon that is good at hand. This weapon must be tough and sharp. Even if it is a constant iron rod, it is stronger than a fist!

"It would be great if there were more magic stones. I don't know when I will meet those'prisoners' again next time!"

Wang Mang moved his still a little stiff left arm, and there was a hint of emotion and expectation in his eyes. Although the strength of the ‘prisoners’ were not weak, the benefits were extremely great!

Wang Mang thought, clicking on the icon of the ‘Silver Cloud Knife’ directly with his finger, and the soft white light of silk thread instantly condensed into shape, and a bright silver knife that looked like a long dagger fell into his palm.

Wang Mang held the handle that was as crystal clear as white jade, and danced with a knife with one hand. The blade of the shining cold light suddenly cut to a hard gravel beside him.

'laugh! With a short piercing sound, the fist-big crushed stone was instantly cut out of two smooth surfaces.

And even a trace of ash did not fall on the blade, still shining with cold light as always!

When Wang Mang watched the scene of breaking the stone easily, his eyebrows twitched, and his eyes were a little joyful. This knife really surprised him.

It is really sharp to cut out the knife marks that are as smooth as a mirror so easily. It is useless to know that only a trace of power is useless. This is purely the original power of this silver sword!

Just as Wang Mang was about to put down the slate and slept happily, the items on the surface of the slate disappeared, and a short paragraph of text appeared:

Trial, congratulations on passing the first-level trial test!

In the next few trials, you will not encounter any monsters, and the difficulty and rewards of the test will be significantly improved. Please look forward to it!

Looking at this reminder text, Wang Mang's sleepiness disappeared completely, and he became extremely awake in an instant. His hands holding the slate became tighter.

"Won't encounter any monsters?!" Wang Mang read out the words on the stone slab in surprise, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes. Only the first two hillsides of this trial site had monsters?

Wang Mang rubbed his chin with one hand, frowned tightly, and thought carefully. After a while, the sky was a bit dim. Only then did he figure out the intention and meaning of this text!

The fundamental purpose of this trial land is trial! How can he truly experience the essence of the word ‘trial’ just by fighting monsters, but what test he will encounter next, Wang Mang can only speculate, and dare not draw conclusions immediately!

"Huh! Forget it, I'll talk about tomorrow's affairs tomorrow, I'd better go to sleep first!" Wang Mang yawned, got up from his chair, and walked toward his dilapidated hut!


At dawn the next day, Wang Mang opened his eyes at dawn.

Through the half-hidden broken door of the hut, Wang Mang's mood was much better when he saw the pale golden sunlight spilling onto the calm hillside. At least he would face a group of grinning monsters without having to come together!

Wang Mang didn't delay on the creaking broken wooden bed, so he turned over and jumped out of the bed. Compared with the previous two hillsides, there were a few more things in the hut on this hillside!

A low-quality towel and a set of unopened toothpaste and toothbrushes! Looking at these two things, Wang Mang said with emotion: After all, there is still a trace of humanity remaining in that wretched old man!

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