Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 720: Rubik's Cube and Bandage

On the inner lining close to the armor, Wang Mang's fingertips touched three irregular hard objects, but because the opening of the inner lining was too narrow, there was no way to take it out all at once!

Wang Mang didn't care about anything else. He directly pulled at the junction of the armor and the lining with both hands. With both hands violently and violently, the thick fish scale armor was torn apart by Wang Mang. Those three mysterious items also revealed their true colors at this moment!

An egg-sized magic stone, a dark Rubik's cube painted with weird patterns, and another thing that surprised Wang Mang the most, it was a roll of bandages exuding a faint stench!

Wang Mang was not too surprised by the egg-sized magic stone. After all, he had previously taken out a similar one from the head of the hyena leader, but the magic cube and bandage made Wang Mang a little puzzled!

Doesn’t it mean that the rewards are very generous? What is it to reward yourself with a Rubik's Cube? Is it possible to use yourself as a grenade?

And that bandage! Wasn't it supposed to be white and spotless, why it's still dark, no different from dog skin plasters! The key is that there is still a faint smell of stench! !

Wang Mang frowned, a little slanderous, what kind of reward is this? I don't even know how to use myself! "Oh, forget it, forget it, wait until the hillside in front to ask the wretched old man!"

He sighed faintly, and received these three things into the storage ring. The storage ring in his hand is not as magical and powerful as the original Panlong ring! If Panlong Ring is still in your hand, you can also identify items you don't recognize!

Wang Mang squatted and fumbled for Li Fu's body again, and found that apart from the three things he found just now, there were really no extra items!

Wang Mang looked at Li Fu's body, stood up very dissatisfied, and picked up the bronze broadsword beside him. He was embarrassed to be a general with just such a small reward. What a shame!

Wang Mang played with the bronze broadsword in his hand, slashed a few broken winds, and walked towards the corpses of other soldiers, looking for magic stones in the lining of their armor!

After searching through all the dead bodies, Wang Mang held a handful of magic stones in his hand, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and showed a happy smile. This was really unexpected.

I originally thought that this group of soldiers would only explode one magic stone at most, but I didn't expect that some of them would have as many as two or three! Such unexpected joy made Wang Mang feel much better after the war!

"The next one is the fourth hillside. This trial site seems to have only this group of enemies!"

Wang Mang looked at the front incomprehensibly, tied the bronze broadsword in his hand to his waist, and picked up two or three six-foot warriors from the ground and carried them behind him. After doing this, he strode forward. Go to the hillside not far away!

Unsurprisingly, as Wang Mang had guessed, this ten-kilometer test site really only had that group of soldiers as the enemies of the test. Very smoothly, Wang Mang climbed the fourth hillside!

As soon as he got to the top of the mountain, the wretched old man smoking his big yellow teeth was grinning and looking at Wang Mang with a smirk, "Boy, it's not too slow to come this time!"

Listening to the ridiculous words of the wretched old man, Wang Mang was helpless. "Master, are you really okay to panic?!"

"How do you talk to me!? You have a good temper!" As soon as you heard this, Yousha frowned and knocked on the wooden table next to her with the dry tobacco rod.

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