Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 735: Death of the Jailer Chief

"Kill him! As a tester, don't blame me if you don't follow the rules!"

The jailer leader held a black iron knife high, and a heavy murderous intent appeared on his gloomy face.

The group of armed men behind him, following the leader's anger, rushed towards Wang Mang with a roar, and the hot iron chains danced and clashed like a group of man-eating thugs!

Wang Mang stood quietly on the stone slab, looking at the hideous jailer of hundreds of people in front of him, his body covered in insect armor burst into a burst of air, and the silver sword in his hand was replaced by a six-foot warrior.

A tyrannical roaring bull-headed jailer rushed to Wang Mang, and the iron chain with the thick thigh in his hand slammed his head away.

The hot iron chain is like a thick and vicious strange python, with a lingering wind, intending to swallow Wang Mang's head in one bite!

"Fuck!" Wang Mang took advantage of the fact that Zhan Ge's wooden pole hadn't been completely burnt, his left arm suddenly jumped up, and an astonishing force burst out. Hit the bull's head jailer in the chest,

In an instant, the sturdy and sturdy body of the tauren was blown apart, and the iron chain swayed from his hand also lost its accuracy and hit the prisoner aside!

The death of this person did not scare these tyrannical jailers. They have been used to seeing all kinds of prisoners who are not as good as death. Compared with those tortures, there is nothing more afraid of death!

A group of jailers carrying various weapons, roaring and slashing towards Wang Mang's body, Wang Mang summoned the silver sword, and his eyes were cold and slashed at the neck of the nearest jailer.

Suddenly, a gushing blood was instantly vaporized, and the headless corpse collapsed to the ground.

There was another flash of silver light, and the two jailers who were very close together were killed by Wang Mang.

Wang Mang scanned the surrounding jailer, and couldn't help but let out a sneer. The strength of this jailer was really weak and pitiful. He was only equivalent to a second-order ability person from the outside world, and even the leader looked like a third-order intermediate!

With such a weak strength, Wang Mang is almost as easy as killing a chicken and a dog. In dozens of seconds, the ground has been piled with layers of black corpses.

Wang Mang grabbed the silver sword in his hand, and shouted to the jailer leader who was not far away: "If you go away now, I can spare your life!"

When the jailer leader heard the words, his hand holding the black iron knife was also loosened a bit, and his eyes flashed with hesitation.

If you leave now, you will definitely get a life back, but this tester has killed his subordinates, he will definitely not be able to escape a crime of negligence, and he will have to be punished a little!

The leader of the jailer quickly had a decision in his heart. It's better to die than to live. As long as you can live, you can resist being hit with more than a dozen boards!

Just as he was about to raise his head and put out a few ruthless words, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he found that Wang Mang's figure covered in insect armor had disappeared not far away!

"I'm behind you!" Wang Mang patted him on the shoulder with a joking tone. The jailer leader heard the scary sound behind his back and turned his head in horror!

"Bah—" The harsh sound of skin and flesh being cut, the jailer's leader showed consternation and fear, he

The pupils were slightly slanted downwards, and he found that his tracheal artery was cut open suddenly, and a bright silver knife was lying between the wounds, which looked a little scary!

The silver dagger was placed flat on his shoulder, because he turned his head abruptly, and the dagger opened his neck straight, which was equivalent to killing himself!

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