Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 738: Fierce soul

Before Wang Mang killed the middle-aged man, he had been constantly suffering from the burning pain of hell!

The intense pain caused Wang Mang's emotions to be in a state of anxiety and tyranny, but the only benefit of this extreme pain was that the dark black ghost brand on his arm emerged with the first ability!

‘Soul-grabbing! ’A special ability that can take prisoners! All prisoners attacked by Wang Mang ignore the rules of infinite **** and cut at the most important point, and they will die!

The strands of black air escaping from the brand are the soul-grabbing lock, which can bring the prisoner’s soul out of the seven orifices and seal it in the brand.

This sealed soul will quickly turn into drops of pure special energy. After Wang Mang leaves this infinite hell, this energy will really work!

Just as Wang Mang withdrew his gaze from the brand and was about to approach the headless body of the middle-aged insect master, the bracelet made of nine black fangs on his wrist suddenly burst into a heinous and terrifying evil!

The first sharp fang on that fangs bracelet is the brightest and deepest, and it looks quite out of place against the backdrop of that fiery hell!

A human face with grief, violent, madness and various emotions emerged from the fangs, and the black qi appeared more and more, and the human face became clearer and firmer, gradually becoming more condensed. Under the real weird face, a thin, short child's body is instantly outlined!

The ‘child’ who was no more than fifty or sixty inches tall, with short limbs, fell on a hot stone slab, stared at Wang Mang scornfully, and let out a burst of weird, chilling laughter.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Mang frowned, walked to the ‘child’ and squatted down slowly, fixed his eyes on his smiling face, and took a closer look.

Suddenly raised his hand and slapped his sly smiling face suddenly!

'Snapped! The'child' was directly slapped by Wang Mang's heavy slap, stumbled twice, and almost collapsed directly on the ground!

"You are so disgusting to laugh!"

Wang Mang shook his head in disgust, looked at the little ‘child’ and curled his lips in contempt!

"Presumptuous! Dare to speak to this seat like this!? Who gave you the courage!" The ‘child’ immediately struggled to get up when he heard the words, pointing at Wang Mang with a short little finger, with anger on his face!

'Snapped! Another resounding and crisp slap, the ‘child’ was directly pulled to the ground by Wang Mang, holding his cheek in pain, and it took a lot of effort to get up.

"I still claim to be my seat!? Who gave you the courage!!" Wang Mang glanced at him angeredly.

"Ye... I'm sorry, Master, I was just released just now, so...too excited," the'child' didn't yell out loudly this time, but was rather embarrassed. I scratched my bald head!

When Wang Mang heard the words, he was delighted. The first fierce soul inspired by his pain seemed to have no brains, and the outline of the body was similar to that of a seven or eight-year-old child. No matter how he looked at it, he was very weak.

"Why do you look so weak!" Wang Mang poked his shoulder bluntly and frowned as he looked at his pair of mop-thick arms.

"Master, don't think I am young. Actually, this is caused by my practice. My actual age is more than two hundred years old!"

The ‘child’ with thin arms and legs fawningly approached Wang Mang and blinked his big eyes. At first glance, he looked a little cute!

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