Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 740: The ugly blood

"Master, the prisoners in this **** were very strong at the beginning, and the blood quality is also very high. I can absorb 10% of the strength by absorbing the blood of a prisoner's whole body,"

"But I can store all their blood in the heart, and when the same amount changes to a qualitative change, I can break through!"

The scandal scanned the surroundings, with a sense of excitement on his face. In this hell, the blood of a prisoner was worth the blood of thousands of people he had absorbed at the beginning!

When Wang Mang heard this, his expression was a little surprised, "Compared with the current me, how strong is your strength at the beginning?"

Wang Mang was stunned by Wang Mang's question about the ugly robbery, and then he asked carefully, "Master, do you want to hear... the truth or the false... the words?"

"Of course it's the truth, you tell it!" Wang Mang waved his hand speechlessly, and he became a little firmer in his judgment on the IQ of this ugly robbery!

"Since you want to listen to the truth, Master, then I'll just say it directly...I was stronger than you at the beginning, two higher orders!" Little blushing blushed, Wang Mang hurriedly backed away a few times. Step, for fear that Wang Mang would be so embarrassed that he would beat him in anger,

"Yes.. Yes!" Listening to Ugly's answer, Wang Mang was not angry, he even showed a smile on his face, "The sooner your strength recovers, the better. I also happen to have multiple helpers in this hell!"

"Then master, I will go to draw blood now!"

Ugly licked the corners of his mouth greedily, like a hungry dog ​​who couldn't choose food, flew to the prisoner's feet, the small palms of both hands pressed against the prisoner's skin, and began to eat crazy blood!

Wang Mang watched this scene, shook his head casually, and walked towards the dead insect master's body.

It is not appropriate to say that the corpse is already a bit wrong, the half-human half-worm corpse has long been swept into a pile of tiny black scum!

The only thing that surprised Wang Mang was that there was no female worm in this insect master! It's really puzzling! Could it be that this insect master has integrated the mother insect with itself?

Wang Mang remembered the hideous insect mouthparts on his face before he was alive, and he determined the three points in his heart, shook his head, Wang Mang decided not to think about it anymore.

After finding a place to sit down at random, Wang Mang used his willpower to endure the scorching pain to increase the energy accumulation of the evil imprint on his arm!

While sitting cross-legged, Wang Mang would sometimes open his eyes to see how Ugly Tribulation’s strength had recovered.

It has to be said that Ugly Tribulation is worthy of an old thing that has lived more than two hundred years old. Its methods of performing exercises are extremely proficient. It is almost just that the palms of the prisoners have just touched the skin of the prisoners, so they drained their blood!

Wang Mang grinned at this. It seems that this trip to **** is not too difficult!


"Raksha! The kid slaughtered you jailer, killed you prisoner, so lawless you don't care about it!?" Yousha smoked the dry smoke, glanced at the projection on the wall, and said teasingly to Raksha.

"When is it your turn to comment on Lao Tzu's jurisdiction?" Xu is Luo Sha who lost money. His mood is extremely bad. Seeing Wang Mang in the projection, he also cast his head irritably!

"Forget the trivial matter of the trialer killing the jailer, anyway, there are not many other hells in the **** that you take care of Rakshasa, but there are too many people!"

Bing Luo, with slender and icy blue hair, glanced at the projection worriedly, and persuaded Raksha, who was frowning and silent.

"Naturally I don't bother to deal with such trivial things. Before I entered hell, I really didn't say that the jailer could not be killed! What the kid said is a little bit reasonable. If you don't say it, you are allowed! It's interesting!"

Rakshasa played a card, and the face of the paralyzed face had no expression as before!

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