Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 742: Seems a bit softhearted

The exit of the square is just a stone road that is not very spacious, and the hot red stone walls of the city wall evaporate and burn everything!

"Let's go, Ugly! You are exploring the way ahead!" Wang Mang glanced at Ugly at his feet, and pointed to him ahead!

"Master...what if there is any danger ahead!" The Ugly Tribute looked hesitantly at the foggy path ahead. He had just recovered his strength. If he died, it would be a big loss. Up!

"How come there is so much nonsense! If you want to find the way, you will find the way. You are so much stronger than me. Is it possible that you want me to take care of you?!"

Wang Mang slapped the back of Ugly's head with a slap, almost slapped him!

"Oh...!" Ugly Jie sighed helplessly, put on a pitiful and coquettish image, blinked at Wang Mang's lovely eyes,

"Hey, I really can't do anything with you!" Wang Mang seemed to feel relieved, and shook his head slightly when he watched Ugly, he slowly squatted down and patted Ugly on the shoulder.

"Ugly! Let's go!" Wang Mang smiled fiercely, grabbed Ugly's collar, and in his horrified eyes, holding his weak body, with one arm, he slammed toward the stone road. Throw!

‘Hoo—’ The sound of Ling Ling whistling in the ears of Flying Ugly, he looked back at Wang Mang in disbelief, and saw that he was smiling and beckoning to himself!

"Damn bastard! How did I get Ugly Tribulation in the hands of such a person!" Ugly Tribulation murmured bitterly, with despair in his eyes, I'm afraid I will have a hard time in the future!

With a muffled ‘bang’, Ugly’s body hit the hot wall, splashing a wave of heat,

"Hey! I don't hurt at all!" Ugly got up in surprise, touched his thin arm, and exclaimed in excitement!

"Is there any danger ahead?" Wang Mang's familiar voice sounded in his mind. When Ugly heard this voice, he gritted his teeth, endured the anger of being trapped, and carefully patrolled the surroundings.

"Master, it's not dangerous!" After a search, Ugly replied to Wang Mang in his head.

Wang Mang did not answer. After a minute or two, he walked out of the heat-like mist, glanced at the ugly robbery standing on the wall, and suddenly smiled and said, "You kid is not light, I throw it very smoothly. You have to fly for thousands of meters at once!"

Ugly robbery curled his lips, if it weren't for you to be my master, I would have slapped you with big ears!

"Why, you are not convinced!?" Wang Mang squinted his eyes, his eyes full of threats when he looked at Ugly!

"Don't dare, don't dare, Master, how could I have that kind of thought," Ugly rubbed his hands with a flattering smile, his image resembling an old profiteer, and it didn't match the image of his seven or eight-year-old child!

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Wang Mang kicked his **** scoldingly, and ugly stepped forward reluctantly.

The misty heat around Wang Mang's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and the skin on his body was burnt red!

The stone road was as narrow as ever. Wang Mang and Ugly were walking alone on the road. After walking for nearly an hour, the fog on the road became thinner, and the road ahead seemed to be a little different!

"Master, there is a living person ahead! I heard the sound of blood flowing!" Ugly lie down on his body with a solemn expression, his left ear tilted slightly, and it was attached to the hot stone slab, as if he heard some special noises!

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