Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 745: Fight the tauren

That blood energy is exactly the same as what Ugly Jie described, his strength is at least ten times stronger than before!

ten times! What a terrible concept! The strength of Ugly Tribulation's fifth-tier peak exploded ten times, definitely reaching the highest level of sixth-tier.

But the majestic bull head is more surging, just like a blood gas furnace, the energy contained in its body even exceeds that of ordinary seventh-order supernatural powers!

"I can't beat it, even if I lose, I won't die!" Ugly gritted his teeth, brainwashing himself and cheering himself!

"Bah!" With a slight piercing sound, Ugly Tribute put his tiny palm on the heel of the tauren's Achilles tendon, and the red blood mark on the palm of his palm overflowed with a trace of viscous blood, which burst out instantly and pierced his skin !

The tauren may be a little nervous. After being pierced through the skin, his expression is not dissimilar, and he continues to slash the prisoners on the pit wall with his giant axe.

When Ugly saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little delighted, but after seeing a few puzzled and alert three-headed iron dogs around, he was startled by a cold sweat on his back.

He raised his arms, his palms stuck to the skin of the tauren, and boldly crawled toward his body!

"Ugly, you are so courageous," Wang Mang slowly admired as he watched his four palms close to his body, crawling like the ugly gecko, rubbing his chin!

The ugly robbery climbed faster and faster, and there was a hint of excitement on his face. This tauren is stupid enough, he has crawled to his back, and he hasn't reacted at all!

In this scene, even Wang Mang was a little surprised. Because this ugly calamity was a fierce soul, the strength and momentum were not at all visible.

But he was already in an explosive state, his aura was so surging, but how could this tauren jailer not react at all!

At the moment when Wang Mang was puzzled and excited about Ugly Tribulation, the tauren wrinkled, and a pair of stone **** the size of a stone ball suddenly widened, flashing a violent murderous intent!

"Roar!" The bull head giant roared wildly, and a broad palm suddenly touched the back of his neck.

Suddenly sucking the ugly robbery, suddenly raised his head and saw a huge palm stretched towards him, his pupils suddenly shrank, both palms and feet canceled the suction, and quickly fell to the ground with a downward force!

"Roar!" The bull head giant turned around suddenly, seeing the petite ugly on the ground, his thick left leg suddenly lifted, and the huge soles of feet that covered the sky stepped toward his body!

"My God!" Ugly robbery exclaimed, his body's reaction was not slow, and a donkey rolled on the spot, avoiding the giant's foot attack!

Ugly Tribulation was also aroused a few fierce anger at this moment, his body suddenly turned up, his back was slightly bent, his palms were folded together, and a long, narrow and monster blood knife appeared slowly with the separation of his palms!

"Kill!" The ugly petite child's body is like a fierce cheetah, rushing towards the feet of the giant bull's head.

A flash of blood light instantly lit up, and a **** mist burst suddenly from the left Achilles tendon of the bull head giant, and a hideous valgus wound appeared abruptly!

The bullhead giant was also extremely angry, regardless of the knife wound on the back of his foot, he held the huge axe and slashed towards Ugly's body!

It was another flash move, Ugly supported the ground with one hand, and escaped the deadly axe, but the broken rocks on the ground still smashed Ugly's body in several places!

At this moment, Wang Mang's brows were furrowed, his fists slowly clenched, and the pain caused by this ugly calamity was all on his own!

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