Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 747: Heart is different

"Master, I know!" A few ugly blood scars on his face responded, and the petite body swept away quickly, appearing behind the bull head giant like lightning.

With a swift light of blood, the body of the bullhead giant kneeling and roaring completely knelt down and collapsed.

His legs can't use any strength at all, he can't stand up!

Just as the bull head giant was about to fall to the ground, Wang Mang gritted his teeth and ran towards the direction where the bull head giant fell to the ground with the silver sword in one hand!

With one foot on and his wings spread out, Wang Mang's body suddenly flew up, and the sharp knife in his hand pierced the throat of the bullhead giant!

"Puff!" Wang Mang's body fell fiercely to the ground, and his body covered with insect armor smashed the thick ground into a shallow pit!

Wang Mang smiled grimly with blood on his teeth, and stood up, ignoring the severe pain of his injury.

"This tauren is dead!" Wang Mang spit out **** sputum and looked up at the tauren jailer with a short knife stuck in his neck, his eyes filled with joy of beheading a powerful enemy!

"Master, what a different response to our teamwork!" Ugly looked at the **** bull-headed giant, grinning proudly!

"En," Wang Mang replied casually, his eyes fixed on the tauren's heart, there seemed to be something attracting him!

The heat wave evaporates far behind the speed of the blood flowing out of the tauren.

Like a pouring rain, a stream of blood was sprayed on the hot stone slab continuously, exuding bursts of stench and unpleasant smell of blood!

"Bang!" An extremely dull loud noise, the unwilling bull head giant's feeble body hit the ground, splashing a fierce heat wave like a violent wind!

Wang Mang looked at this huge corpse, stepped on the head of the tauren with great decisiveness, and walked slowly along the thick back to the back of the corpse!

"Ugly robbery! Come here, dig out this place for me, I want to see his heart!"

Standing behind the corpse, Wang Mang felt an excitement abruptly rising in his heart, and the insect pattern in his palm was even brighter like a bright light bulb!

"Yes, Master!" Ugly looked at Wang Mang with excitement and excitement in his eyes. Although he was puzzled, he nodded in accordance with him, holding a blood knife in one hand, and leaning in front of Wang Mang.

‘Bah~ Bah! The blood in the skin and flesh of the Bull Head Giant was all mobilized by the blood knife in Ugly Tribulation's hand, turned into a tough and sharp blood blade, and cut the skin with a foreign blow in the blood knife!

No matter how tough the leather is, it can't resist the slightest under such an attack, but within a few breaths, the skin of the giant bull's head was cut! The scarlet flesh and blood inside also slowly separated, revealing a thin, cutting line!

"Puff! Puff!" A sometimes strong and sometimes weak heartbeat came from under the exposed flesh and blood.

At this time, the Ugly Tribute, who was by Wang Mang's side, looked a little stunned, and cried out in doubt and shock: "Master, the tauren is indeed dead, but there is something else manipulating his body!"

"I know, hahaha!" Wang Mang laughed wildly, his wide pupils flashed with two striking red lights.

As soon as he heard the sound of his heartbeat, Wang Mang instantly understood the reason for his violent worm patterns. There was something extraordinary in the heart of this giant bull!

"Ugly robbery, destroy this layer of flesh and blood, remember, don't hurt your heart!" Wang Mang frowned, and exclaimed extremely cautiously. Anything short of a little bit might hurt the living creature!

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