Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 757: Journey to the Knife Mountain

Wang Mang's face gradually changed from pale to pale, drops of sweat the size of soybeans dripped from the corner of his forehead, and fell on the ground lined with blades. They were pierced by the blades and turned into small pools of splashing water!

At this time, Wang Mang finally realized the pain suffered by the prisoners of the infinite hell. This endless pain is constantly torturing the nerves every second and every second, and when he looks up, he can't see this mountain of swords. The end!

"In this case, a person who can endure the severe pain and persist to the end, after leaving this time and space of experience, what else is there to fear in the world?"

Wang Mang murmured to himself with a pale face, looking into the distance with deep eyes, suddenly he lifted his left foot stuck in the tip of the knife and took a step forward. Regardless of the sharp pain on the soles of his feet, he moved his right foot again.

In this way, Wang Mang's speed gradually increased, and the soles of his feet could hardly be seen in good flesh and blood, but his speed did not decrease in the slightest, and it seemed that he could no longer feel the pain of torturing nerves!

The color of hesitation in the five eyes of the ugly and wolf flashed behind him, but quickly followed, and the torturous pain endlessly stimulated the two brains.

There was a numbness on the ferocious wolf face of Langwu, and the pain was still bearable by himself.

And there was no uncomfortable feeling on Ugly’s face. The blade cut through the soles of his calves and feet, as if the breeze was blowing, and it had no effect on him.

However, Wang Mang's back buckled in an instant, as if bearing a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties.

His eyebrows were already weakened, and he didn't even have the strength to make expressions on his face. He could only be numb, and mechanically slowly raised his legs and marched towards the distant knife mountain.

"Knife Mountain? Knife Mountain?! What's after the Knife Mountain?" Wang Mang's eyes drooped slightly, and there was numbness in his eyes, but there was a glimmer of hope. That is the hope for the future, that is the freedom. Yearn for!

The three of them walked slowly towards the depths of the mountain of swords one after the other, except for the sharp blades on the way.

The skin of Wang Mang's whole body has long been cut and healed. After hundreds of times, Wang Mang seemed to feel a lot more relaxed. He could already face the road ahead with a smile occasionally.

Time flies and the years have changed. Wang Mang has been driving in the mountain of swords for more than two months. The road behind him, the blades and tips of every sharp knife are stained with the blood of the three of his own. It can be said that the road is his own three. People came here abruptly!

Wang Mang wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and pointed to the front with a bit of excitement in his tone.

"Ugly robbery, Wolf Five, we are leaving Daoshan!" Wang Mang, whose body was covered with hideous scars, was instantly covered with a dark beetle. Under Wang Mang's clothes, the beetle seemed to be a little bit more than before. It seems that there is more spiritual evil spirit,

The bracelet made up of the nine fangs on his left wrist is very different than it was before. Each one is blooming with magnificent and dazzling black light, like a layer of wax, and it is more mysterious and charming under the light!

Wang Mang narrowed his eyes, watching the change of the bracelet, his mouth showed satisfaction.

During the trip to the Sword Mountain for more than two months, the biggest gain was that the nine fangs of the black tooth bracelet were all activated by the severe pain instilled by Wang Mang, but due to certain space constraints, only the ugly robbery can enter and leave freely. The rest Eight fierce souls, Wang Mang, haven't seen it yet!

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