Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 760: Magma river

The blood-red left pupil on the head of that huge python snake is spherical, which forms an extremely sharp contrast with the vertical needle pupil of the right eye.

The two snake pupils on the left and the right are completely inconsistent in shape and size, making this sky giant python a bit less insidious and a bit more ferocious!

"Wolf Five, Ugly Tribulation quickly keep up, there is a big opportunity ahead of me waiting for me!"

Wang Mang smiled and grinned. Under the stimulation of the brainworm, his pain did not seem to be so severe. The skin and flesh cooked by the steam made Wang Mang's walking movements a bit awkward.

Wolf Fifth, Ugly Tribulation naturally followed closely, striding forward with difficulty on the red, hot ground, and it was more difficult to walk than on the mountain of swords!

As he walked deeper into the earth, Wang Mang’s loose skin and flesh became scorched and blackened under the action of the high temperature. Wang Mang, who was originally powerful and strong, seemed to have changed his personality. The scorched skin was wrapped in crumbly bones. A walking corpse!

Wang Mang’s eyes were sunken, his eyeballs were dry and gray, but his pupils were as bright as ever, and there was boundless hope and expectation in that glorious color.

"Master, what do you think it is?!" The Ugly Tribute running in the front pulled Wang Mang's arm and pointed in surprise at the front left.

Wang Mang walked a few steps with difficulty in the direction pointed by the ugly. When the steam faded, he also saw clearly what ugly was referring to—a lava river hundreds of meters wide was blocked in front of him. !

A smear of blooming lava blossoms on the slowly flowing ‘Giant River’. On the banks of the magma river, the fiery red land has been eroded and corroded into hard, dark reefs.

Just standing around, Wang Mang seemed to be stamped on every piece of skin all over his body with countless branding irons.

Wang Mang wrinkled his brows slightly, resisting the burning pain, looking at the two sides of the magma river with his blackened eyes, one by one, the prisoners of humans or demons were fastened by thick shackles. Among the rivers of the magma river,

The magma that can destroy all flesh and blood flows through their waists, and their legs and crotches have long been corroded.

Infernal Hell gives them the self-healing ability, so that they will be corroded by magma as soon as they have **** flesh, and they will suffer endlessly from incomplete corrosion!

Different from the other prisoners Wang Mang had seen before, these special prisoners who were chained to the side of the river, their eyes or firmness, or relaxation, formed a sharp contrast with those prisoners who were tortured!

What's more, he still chatted easily with the surrounding prisoners, chatting, and laughing from time to time. If it weren't for Wang Mang who was receiving the endless burning pain at this time, he really thought it was. The group of prisoners are having a tea party!

"Excuse me, why are you so relaxed on your face, so you don't see the painful color?!" Wang Mang looked at all this, with extremely curious and puzzled eyes, enduring the scorching heat, and took a few steps towards the river.

"Oh? There are people who can cross the mountain of swords?!" A burly man with a fierce tiger with hanging eyes and white forehead tattooed on his chest, raised his head when he heard the sound, and replied in amazement.

"Well, I came here just through the mountain of swords, for the end of that thousand miles! Now I don't know how many kilometers I have traveled!"

Wang Mang shook his head slowly. I don't know if Rakshasa forgot or what happened. He said he would let himself go for a month and one day, but more than two months have passed, and he has not been seen!

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