Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 762: Cross the river

Wang Mang's tone was determined. For this huge magma river hundreds of meters wide, he already had a way to cross it!

"Postborn, be careful, the magma in this river is extremely hot, and if it gets a little bit of it, the body will be instantly corroded!"

Seeing Wang Mang’s decisive confidence, the old man thought it was because he was young and frivolous, not knowing the danger of this sea of ​​fire, and instead he reminded with a serious expression: "The only way to cross this lava river is not to touch this hot and hot magma. Boy, if you can do this, then there will be nothing wrong!"

Wang Mang naturally nodded seriously for the old man’s indoctrination, and then smiled again.

"Old man, it took me more than two months to walk through the Knife Mountain. That's because the paths of the Knife Mountain are densely packed with blades and knives. I can't fly, but now facing this magma river, my skills are good enough. used!"

"Haha, okay!" The old man stroked his jaw and laughed, with an expression of excitement that was so relieved.

"Since the old man was trapped by this river, hundreds of years later, there have also been a dozen flying prisoners. They are undoubtedly much luckier than others, but in the end only two or three survived!"

The old man was talking and talking, and suddenly smiled and shook his head, "When people are old, I like to say a few words, but this is what I said, so don't take it to your heart!"

Wang Mang shook his head indifferently. For him, life and death have long been taken lightly. How could he provoke anger with others because of one sentence?

"Ugly, Wolf Five, who of you cross the river with me first?!" Wang Mang's eagle-like eyes scanned the two behind him. Wolf Five and Ugly looked at each other. After a few moments, Wolf Five spoke first.

"Master, let me come first!" The wolf five, who looked like a skeleton, patted the burnt skin on his body, and the shriveled wolf head shook, as if to dispel the fear in his heart.

Wang Mang looked at Wolf Five and didn't say much. He just smiled. In the blink of an eye, a layer of dark beetle instantly covered his body. As Wang Mang's flesh and skin shrank and evaporated, most of Wang Mang's body fell after being covered with the beetle. It’s not as mighty as before,

A pair of wide black wings suddenly unfolded, Wang Mang grabbed Wolf Wu’s skinny body, held it in his arms, and took him into the air.


"Wolf Five, hold on, don't fall!" Wang Mang smiled and reminded Wolf W who was sandwiched on his waist. The fan's black wings expanded rapidly, and the hard wingtips violently shuddered.

"Puff!" With a deafening sound, Wang Mang, who was suspended in the air, fluttered towards the opposite bank of the magma river like a sharp arrow off the string!

The flying Wang Mang's speed became more and more astonishing, and he broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and brought a thick foggy sound barrier cloud. Just entering the sky above the magma river, Wang Mang's body suddenly stagnated, as if he had encountered a strong shocking sky. resistance!

Wang Mang's eyebrows slowly furrowed, and he lifted his right hand extremely laboriously. The sky above this magma river looked like an abyss of thousands of meters under the sea. The huge pressure of his body squeezed the beetle, making a crunching and piercing sound.

In this case, let alone flying fast, even staying in a suspended state is reluctant to the extreme.

The wolf five who was caught by Wang Mang's waist was even more unbearable. Under the action of this pressure, his chest was instantly shriveled, and the guts of internal organs mixed with blood spit out from the mouth!

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