Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 766: Little Brain and Big Black Snake

The sweet and coquettish voice of the cerebra worm combined with the plump body of the worm made Wang Mang look appreciative.

Others can't see the beauty of this brainworm shape, but I can see clearly, the deep black, the monster red, the fat body looks vigorous,

Wang Mang's brows wrinkled slightly, and a few doubts emerged in his heart. This worm body is so weak, but the scorching heat of this **** can't affect it at all!

Could it be because of the python protection?

"Yes, I am a tester!" Wang Mang thought a little, and told the truth. There is no need to conceal this kind of thing. It is better to admit it frankly.

The fat body of the brainworm climbed to the top of the giant python's head, lying softly on the snake's head, and asked a little breathlessly: "Can you go to the outside world if you pass the trial alive?"

"Yes!" Wang Mang nodded, "The minimum period for passing the trial is three years. As long as I pass this time, I can go out alive!"

The coquettish brainworm suddenly let out a violent sob when he heard the words, "The slave family has been waiting for eighty years, eighty years!"

A lonely color flashed in the vicious eyes of the giant python, and the hoarse voice sighed faintly, "Little brain, are you going to leave?"

"Big Black Snake, I really have to go, I don't want to stay in this cage anymore, I want to be free, I want to live with dignity, I want to transform into human beings! Enjoy the scenery of the world! "

The sobbing cerebra worm choked two sentences. After speaking, he couldn’t help crying loudly. It seemed to be suppressed for too long. The cerebra worm’s crying voice lasted for more than ten minutes, and the voice gradually decreased.

"Big Black Snake, or let's leave together, I'm leaving, you have to stay here alone!"

The big brainworm's smart eyes looked at the giant python below him with deep reluctance and nostalgia.

In this extremely depressed cage, only the **** snake has been with him all the time, and now he is leaving, how can he be willing to let him go!

The towering snake body of the giant python slowly lowered, and the hideous snake face showed a trace of helplessness, and shook his head gently, "Little head, my freedom is no longer my own, I can only stay in this life. Here, I can't get out anymore!"

As soon as the words of the giant python fell, the eyes of the brainworm Shuilingling gradually turned red.

But this time she resisted crying, put away her sobs, and said firmly: "Big black snake, then I will come to see you in the future. You must be well, sleep when you are tired, and eat when you are hungry. Live happily and relax!"

A pair of terrifying snake eyes of the giant python showed a rare gentle color, and said softly: "I know, little brain, I will be fine, I have something for you before I leave!"

At the lower jaw of its ferocious snake head, the dark and thick scales resemble scallops, all abruptly opened, revealing the blood-red flesh under the scales.

The flesh and blood were exposed to the air, gradually losing its blood color, but the open snake scales turned from dark to evil black and red.

The about 20 or 30 thick snake scales made a few "click~ka" sounds, and instantly turned into a burst of powder. Under a peculiar gravitational force, it condensed into a blood-black soybean pellet, which gradually suspended into the air. In the middle, level with the hideous snake pupil,

The cerebra worm lying on top of the giant python's head, seeing this, Shui Lingling's big eyes suddenly floated in a mist of water, "Big black snake, it's really worth it for you to do this for me!"

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