Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 768: Reach a consensus

Faced with Wang Mang’s direct threat, the sky-reaching giant python’s murderous intent was surging, and the eye-catching vertical pupils were slightly narrowed, and two bloodthirsty red lights suddenly appeared. I want to be a master if I fail!?"

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly, and he nodded slightly. If he doesn't establish a master-slave relationship with the brainworm, what if it doesn't work for itself after waiting for the outside world?

This is not what worries me the most. If this brainworm rebels and joins other forces, the harm it will cause to himself is absolutely unimaginable!

If you can't get a Cerebral, then others can't even think of it! Wang Mang's eyes flashed with a fierce decision. The Cerebral worm is powerful and terrifying. If it can't be used by itself, let it stay in this **** forever!

"Good! Good! Could it be that you deceived me to have no guts?!"

The hoarse voice of the heavenly giant python roared a few times, and the hideous giant snake head rushed towards Wang Mang with an irresistible power!

Wang Mang’s thin body was staggered by the strong wind brought by the bite of the snake’s head and almost fell to the ground. The sky-high python named Heishan sneered, "You are so weak, I will kill you in just a moment. enough!"

Wang Mang laughed twice, patted the scorched ashes on his body, looked directly at the snake pupils of Black Mountain, which was comparable to a lantern, and said with a serious expression: "I'll be honest, you dare not, Black Mountain!"

"What a dare not! I have been in Hell for hundreds of years, and there is no one I dare not kill!" Heishan's terrifying big mouth suddenly closed to Wang Mang's face, and his hoarse voice contained unprecedented anger!

"I've said before, kill me, no one can take it out!" There was no fear in Wang Mang's eyes, he shook his head slightly, and pointed to the Cerebral Worm on top of Heishan.

The brainworm lying on the top of the black mountain is also showing a humane entangled look at this moment, "Big black snake, or forget it, anyway, it just establishes the master-servant relationship, and my life will not be affected."

"Little brain, this.... After establishing the master-servant relationship, you are completely controlled by him. In addition to life, your freedom will be threatened by him!"

Hearing the words of the Cerebral, Montenegro's anger slowly diminished, and the killing intent in the vertical pupils gradually dissipated. This time, he was really caught by the **** in front of him!

"I can establish a master-servant relationship with you, but what I want to do, you can't stop me!" Cerebral's soft body gradually propped up, making a soft female voice,

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang immediately shook his head resolutely, "Impossible, what if you help my enemy when you go to the outside world? What if you are killed by someone else?! I cannot agree to such a request!"

"Boy, don't get too far!" Black Mountain's tone was cold, and the killing intent that had previously dissipated instantly appeared in its huge venomous snake pupils!

Wang Mang groaned a little, and then said: "I don't care about other things. As long as I listen to my words, and can't help my enemy deal with me, I can accept the remaining conditions!"

Heishan snorted coldly, reluctantly agreeing to Wang Mang's statement, and the soft-bodied Cerebral became emotional at this moment.

"Don't worry, I just want to see the scenery when I go to the outside world. I will never participate in the disputes between you humans, let alone help them deal with you!"

"In that case, sign a contract!"

Wang Mang's mouth finally showed a satisfied smile. The price he paid was not great, but the results were not cheap, cerebrates, it could be regarded as the strongest and most weird divine worm among all worms!

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