Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 770: Desperation is imminent

"Boy, take good care of the little brain, she will leave it to you in the future!" Hei Shan's eyes flashed lonely, its huge snake head slowly slanted, seeming to hide a little sentimental.

"Senior Black Mountain, I will take care of her. After all, her life is mine!" Wang Mang showed solemnity in his eyes, and he will definitely fulfill this point!

"That's good, I hope your words count, let me help you smooth the ups and downs in front of you, it's a final journey for you!"

The extremely huge body of Black Mountain suddenly twisted, bringing up a burst of flying sand and rocks, and the thick snake body moved suddenly like a moving mountain range.

"Boy, bring your men up together, and I will take you to the last desperate situation in hell!" Heishan shouted hoarsely, and lowered his head slightly at Wang Mang.

Wang Mang immediately understood. He was holding Wolf Five in one hand and Ugly in the other. His legs sank slightly, and he rushed forward a few steps, suddenly leaped, his body seemed to fly into the air and landed. On top of Montenegro!

"Stand steady!" Heishan yelled, and the huge body like a mountain finally started to move. The rocks blocking the way in front looked like pieces of fragile foam, but it was only slightly rubbed by Heishan's body before it shattered and burst.

There are also some block stones that are larger enough to be called a hill, and Black Mountain does not even look at them, and directly smashes them with the hard and thick scales!

Standing on top of the black mountain, Wang Mang seemed to have a lot of pride in his heart. In the past, he endured the severe pain and struggled to walk through the hell. Under the pace of the black mountain, the speed was almost unbelievable!

If Wang Mang's walking speed is compared to an ordinary bicycle, then the speed of Montenegro is a top sports car!

The speed between the two is not comparable at all. The distance traveled by Black Mountain in ten minutes far exceeds that of Wang Mang's several days!

"It would be great if this Black Mountain was his own mount!" Wang Mang couldn't help muttering in his heart, and suddenly even he was shocked by this amazing thought.

Heishan, whose strength has surpassed the peak of Tier Nine, used him as a mount, so just thinking about it would be so wonderful!

"It's not far, it's almost here!" Hei Shan whispered, the already extremely swift snake's body twisted faster, the large and small rocks on the road, the potholes were directly wiped out by Hei Shan's body.

After about three to five minutes, Wang Mang, standing on top of the Black Mountain, suddenly raised his head and saw a long and bottomless abyss not far away!

"After passing this abyss, walk a little further, and you will be in that desperate situation! After the desperate situation, this infinite **** will come to an end!" The towering snake body in Black Mountain is a little higher, with huge snake eyes. There is a little depth in it!

Seeing this, Wang Mang frowned slightly, and asked with some doubts: "Senior Black Mountain, what is in that desperate situation? Why is it called a desperate situation?!"

Black Mountain groaned a little, and shook his head directly, "You will know it naturally when you arrive. Even if it is me, I can't tell you directly!" "Now I will send you through the abyss!"

Seeing that Heishan didn't answer directly, Wang Mang nodded with a hint of disappointment, "Well, then wait for me to see it by myself!"

The huge body of Montenegro, hundreds of meters long, wriggled to the edge of the abyss. The towering half of the snake body was like a hard and wide stone bridge falling from one side of the abyss to the other!

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