Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 778: Real or illusory

Wang Mang frowned in confusion, his eyes showed a little surprise, "Who is this woman in front of me?! Isn't this last level Xiaoying!"

Wang Mang was really at a loss at this moment. He originally thought that the last stage of this desperate situation would be for the enemy to pretend to be his favorite Xiaoying to hurt himself, how come now an unknown woman appeared!

The woman looked at Wang Mang in a daze, thinking that he broke his head, and hurriedly placed the tray on the bedside, gently stroking Wang Mang's head with a worried expression, and asked anxiously: "Husband, husband, you are all right. Right, is the wound still hurting?"

"Who are you?!" Wang Mang frowned slightly and asked subconsciously.

When the woman heard these words, she seemed to be struck by thunder suddenly, her stroking movement instantly stiffened, her eyes suddenly rosy, and after a while, the beautiful woman suddenly sobbed, and the big crystal tears followed. Sliding down the corner of the eye,

"Husband, I am your daughter-in-law, I am Dong Li!"

The beautiful woman sobbed and wiped the tears from her cheeks, but looking at Wang Mang’s confused eyes, Dong Li’s tears could not stop flowing down like a flood that opened the gate.

"Husband! Have you amnesia?!" Dong Li caressed Wang Mang's cheek distressedly, and covered her chest with her other hand, as if she was suffering great pain!

"No! Everything in this world is fake, including you!" Wang Mang directly patted her arm to the side, his eyes narrowed, showing a vigilant look.

Seeing that Wang Mang was like this, the woman's expression was full of pain, as if her heart was breaking, tears kept sliding down, her trembling hands held up the tray placed on the bedside, and tried to squeeze a warm smile with pear blossoms and rain.

"Husband, drink the porridge first. You just forgot about me, and you have to take care of your body. When you get better, let's go to the big hospital and we will definitely be able to find our memories!"

Wang Mang shook his head firmly, "No, I won't drink the porridge. How do you want to harm me? Just ask me!"

When Dong Li heard Wang Mang's words, the emotion she had been suppressing finally couldn't be controlled anymore. The tray in her hand suddenly slipped, and she choked out of the door.

Wang Mang stared blankly at the transparent window of the room. The bright sunlight from outside the window shone inside the house. The several tall buildings and noisy streets outside seemed extremely real, not at all like a fictional illusion.

Wang Mang watched for a long time and felt a little tired, so he immediately fell asleep under the quilt on the bed.

Early the next morning, the beautiful Dong Li seemed to be back to normal, wearing a pretty white dress with a bright smile on her face, holding a tray in her hand and bringing breakfast to Wang Mang.

This time, Wang Mang didn't refuse any more. He devoured his breakfast, and Dong Li smiled joyfully. As long as his husband eats, everything will be fine!

Time passed slowly. During the period when Wang Mang was injured, Dong Li stayed with Wang Mang’s bedside besides cooking, looked at Wang Mang with love, and kept talking about the sweet time between the two.

"Husband, do you know that when you chased me, you gave me a lot of paper cranes. It says what you want to say to me. I remember you told me, there are thousands of paper cranes. After a month of discounting, do you remember these?"

"Also, also, when we went shopping one night, that big, luminous TV tower was so beautiful. At that time, you said you would take me to see it every summer."

Dong Li put her arms around Wang Mang's shoulders, her beautiful eyes were shining with sweet little stars, her mouth was smiling, and she kept telling the happy past of the two.

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