Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 780: The way of detachment

"The deeper the relationship, the greater the harm, and no one can survive the desperate situation,"

On the side of the magma river, the old man’s follow-up words suddenly appeared in Wang Mang’s heart. He finally realized at this moment that the ultimate goal of the endless pain of the Infinite Hell is to cut off all feelings and turn people into gods!

But...I can't do it myself!

‘All worries are eliminated in the Infernal Affairs, and in the heart of Jiandao Fifteenth, the eight forbearances belong to the Infernal Affairs.........’

Mingming's Sanskrit sounds echoed in Wang Mang's ears, his eyes burst and his orifices were bleeding, he couldn't hear it! Can't touch it! can not see! All the five senses have lost their perception, as if they were isolated in the darkness by this world!

But the Sanskrit sound seemed to be imprinted in his mind, and it kept reverberating in a low voice. Wang Mang’s five senses had disappeared, but Ling Wangmang’s body was full of broken cracks from the pain from the bottom of his heart to the soul.

Wang Mang swears that all the pain he has suffered in Infernal Hell is not comparable to this short two or three minutes of heartache. The prisoners are right, "Desperate" is really absolute!

The so-called desperation is to forcibly destroy the deepest feelings before the eyes. This is not something ordinary people can bear. Maybe only those strong people who have no desires can get through it all!

At this moment, Wang Mang fell into a strange situation with the pain, his whole body was pitch black, there was no light, and he was the only one in the huge silent space!

I don’t know how long it took, Wang Mang’s consciousness gradually regained consciousness as the broken pain subsided, and he saw the lifelike statue of a ghost.

Different from the first time he saw it in the small temple, Wang Mang actually squinted his eyes slightly when he discovered this evil spirit statue this time, staring at his face with terrifying and terrifying eyes!

"Hello, tester!" The ugly ghost sitting cross-legged stood up with a grinning grin, jumped directly off the black lotus platform, and looked at Wang Mang with interest.

"Boy, I am the master of the desperate situation, Lord Rakshasa's strongest warrior, you can call me: Tu!"

"Everything I experienced in this desperate situation was constructed by you?!" Wang Mang stood up furiously, and his eyes were filled with unprecedented murderous intent while looking at Tu!

"I'm a human! It's not you **** who want nothing, I have feelings, and I have people who care, but you have ruined everything!" Wang Mang roared hoarsely, his face flushed! The blue veins on the neck are all protruding with excitement!

Tu listened to Wang Mang's roar, and sneered sarcastically, "Do you know the true meaning of Infernal Hell?! The infernal **** exists to eliminate all troubles, and the punishment of the body is to make you transcend the pain of the flesh, while the desperate situation is People who are detached and who have passed the desperate situation, without exception, have become the strongest in their world!"

"I don't want to be the strongest, I just want to improve my strength, so that I can live well with the people I love! This is enough!"

Wang Mang's fragile body couldn't stand the violent roar that was exhausting now, almost as soon as the words uttered, his rickety body collapsed to the ground!

"Stupid! How can the affection of these obstructive children compare to the way of detachment?!" Tu looked at Wang Mang's fragile appearance, and his eyes showed unconcealed contempt, "As long as you cut off a little bit of this boring emotion, you It will never be so reluctant to survive a desperate situation!"

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