Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 786: Prisoners equal talents

The scandal said, and nodded in agreement, "It's a drop or a drop, Sister Mo Lan is right, that Xiao Hei is usually called by these prisoners to follow others, and now he hears the news from the master. He doesn't know how much Happy!"

"Then this jailer is really miserable!"

Wang Mang smiled slightly, and habitually rubbed his chin gently. This prisoner used the same order as the servant, and he saw a lot of it, but the prisoner called the jailer like the servant. It was the first time I saw him!

"Xiao Hei, quickly invite the strong man who passed the desperate situation, I am willing to be his most loyal servant!"

A sturdy man with a strong aura and a pair of sturdy hands tightly gripped the cage of the cell, blushing with a thick neck and shouting loudly toward the corridor!

"Fuck! Second, you don't deserve to be a slave to your master! Only a weak person like me who is at least 80% physically surpassed can barely be a slave to the master!"

A stronger man with a bigger body yelled at him, and looked at the jailer Xiao Hei with a pleasing face, "Xiao Hei, brother usually doesn't command you blindly, you first let the strong man come and see me!"

The jailer Xiao Hei looked at the big sturdy man in surprise, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Is this the usual jail tyrant Rhinoceros with a cold and arrogant face! Why are you looking at yourself now? Are you dreaming? !

"Long Xi don't be too much of a human being. My cell is closest to the hall. Let the adults take a look at me first!"

In a cell on the outermost side of the corridor, a thin, wood-like prisoner slapped the railing of the prison with excitement, struggling to make Xiao Hei look to his side.

"Uh...I...this..." Xiao Hei looked at these dozen or so usually fierce jailers incoherently, and begged to pay him back with flattering words, almost excited. The fainting has passed, this kind of taste is really refreshing and tangled!

Fortunately, Wang Mang appeared in time and solved Xiao Hei's dilemma. With Wang Mang's appearance, the prisoners in the dozens of cells on both sides of the corridor stopped instantly, and the previously noisy prison became extremely quiet!

Those pairs of longing and excited eyes stared at Wang Mang closely, as if they wanted to see what is so special about this strong man who passed through desperation!

Wang Mang glanced around for a week, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled suddenly, "Hello everyone! I am Wang Mang, a tester who has just passed the desperate situation!"

"Hiss——!" The inhalation sound one after another suddenly sounded.

The dozen or so prisoners were all amazingly powerful. The moment Wang Mang appeared, they were aware of the wild power contained in Wang Mang's body! The bronze skin is extremely tough, and the exposed muscles are full of terrifying power and beauty!

"Sure enough, this strong man has detached himself from the flesh!" A prisoner with a pair of eagle eyes and the most keen observation took the lead to say that the strong man, no matter what else, his physical strength alone has exceeded his own group of people. Too much!

"My lord! My lord! Take me away. I can do everything from washing and cooking, and I can do it better. I can help you to solve the problems that you will meet in the future, my lord!"

A prisoner with the most flexible mind immediately knelt on the ground, looking at Wang Mang with a pious face, as if Wang Mang was the **** in his heart, and he was the most faithful believer of God!

"Shameless!" The other dozen prisoners looked at the man who was flattering and kneeling, and they gritted their teeth and cursed in their hearts.

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