Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 789: Eight people who swear allegiance

After the old man made his voice, the prisoners showed firmness in their eyes and echoed loudly: "I am willing!" "I am willing!" "Let me be the first to come!"

Wang Mang seemed a little puzzled for their sudden enthusiastic allegiance. He looked at the old man Rushan in doubt, walked to his prison, and looked at him quietly: "What's your name?!"

"Under Fu Wendao! Serve for the master!" The old man Rushan lifted the front of his long gown, knelt on one knee, placed one hand on the heart, and shouted loudly!

"Wen Dao?! Good! Good name! Mo Xiao scholar is useless, literati has a pen like a knife! Fu Wen Dao, you have great ambitions!" Wang Mang clapped his hands lightly and praised him with a smile.

"Don't dare, don't dare, the old man was young and ignorant, and he didn't know the true meaning of his father's name. After fifty or sixty years of prison life, he finally understood the two and three things!"

"Oh?" Wang Mang played with the white pill in his hand and raised his eyebrows curiously. "Tell me!"

"A pen is like a knife, Mo Zhuxin!" Fu Wendao knelt on the ground and said these two short words in a muffled voice! Hearing this, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes and became a little serious, "Okay! You will be the first person to be loyal to me!"

After speaking, Wang Mang passed the white pill in his hand to the risk of passing the prison. Fu Wendao did not hesitate, and he squeezed the white pill and poured it directly into his mouth.

As soon as he entered the mouth, Fu Wendao felt a refreshing sweet scent in his mouth, and that sweet scent instantly rushed into his brain, causing his spirit to suddenly rise, and he became clever and clear!

About three to five seconds later, he suddenly felt a burst of enthusiasm in his mind, but the enthusiasm came and went quickly, and disappeared in an instant!

Fu Wendao frowned. Although he was a little confused, he didn't say anything. What he didn't know was that in just two or three moments, his subconscious had already imprinted the most sincere loyalty to Wang Mang, this imprinted loyalty. Even higher than his own life status!

"Fu Wendao swears his allegiance to his master!"

Reason and fanaticism coexist in his eyes. This strange situation appeared in the eyes of the same person, which surprised Wang Mang who was standing quietly!

The power of the Cerebral Worm is really terrifying!

"How is it? Mind control is the strongest talent of this young lady, right?" Mo Lan looked like a child looking forward to praise, staring at Wang Mang with big smart eyes, waiting for Wang Mang to praise!

"Okay! Mo Lan! The biggest gain of my infernal **** is that I met you, and you can be worth a hundred thousand masters!"

Wang Mang gave her a thumbs-up without hesitation. What he said didn't contain any moisture at all. Mo Lan's incomprehensible ability could dominate the world!

"Hehe! In fact, this ability is not as perfect as imagined. If the opponent's strength is too strong and exceeds my level by three or more, then the brainworm I hatched will at most make him headache and nauseous, but the imprint of the subconscious mind can I won't be able to fight!"

Wang Mang waved his hand indifferently, "What a shortcoming, your abilities are already very strong, it's perfect, you don't need to worry about it anymore!"

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he took out the other seven white pills from Mo Lan's back and gave them to the selected people. "Swear to the death allegiance to the master!" The seven people knelt together, shouting a voice resounding underground.

Wang Mang held his hands behind his back and looked at all of this lightly, his heart was a little excited, "With this group of subordinates, after waiting for the experience of time and space, where can not be the king?!"

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