Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 791: Black Bull

"Everyone, it won't be long for the next trial to pass the desperate situation,"

Hearing these familiar voices, Fu Wendao's eyes reddened insignificantly, resisting the reluctance in his heart, squeezing out a bright smile and waving at them.

I have been here for fifty to sixty years, even my parents, wives and children have not been with me for so long! Every prisoner here is very familiar with himself, and almost knows it well. After all, there is no secret that can be concealed for fifty to sixty years while getting along day and night!

Now, is it going to be parted?

Just as Fu Wendao was sentimental, Xiao Hei and Wang Mang had released the other seven people. When they got out of the prison, some knelt and cried, some laughed wildly, and more of them were full of excitement on their faces. Crazy!

Wang Mang stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching their crazy actions after they were free, and when they were about to vent, he waved his hand slightly to stop them.

"Okay, okay, now you are about to vent, it's time to leave!"

Wang Mang's mouth hung a faint smile, and he scanned the eight people under him, and saw them looking at the perseverance of the other prisoners. They also said kindly: "I will give you three more minutes to say something, I will wait for you above!"

After that, Wang Mang took Wolf Five, Ugly, and they turned and left, while the jailer Xiao Hei ran to get to Wang Mang's side.

He glanced around with a pair of sly eyes, and whispered to Wang Mang vigilantly: "Brother, taking advantage of the time you are leaving now, I will say something to you quietly. After the passage of time and space, don’t be careless. If you are blocked by a Taoist guardian, if you kill him, you can truly successfully enter the new time and space!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang frowned slightly, and solemnly nodded slightly, "Thank you for reminding me, I see!" The guardian? Is it a test of strength and qualifications?

"Brother, I wish you a smooth journey!" Seeing the solemn expression on Wang Mang's face, the jailer Xiaohei knew that he had listened to his words, so he didn't say much, just bowed his hand respectfully, wishing Wang Mang's next journey!

"Thank you!" Wang Mang smiled at the jailer Xiaohei, and when he reached the hole the size of a water tank in the hall, Wang Mang rushed to the ground with Langwu and Ugly in a volley!

Not long after, the eight prisoners with different auras jumped up from under the entrance of the cave. Two of them were headed, one was the old and respectful Fu Wendao, and the other was the muscular knot, the back and the waist, like a tower of black. The body reveals the powerful power contained in his body!

Seeing Wang Mang looking at him, the muscular man quickly knelt down on one knee respectfully, and shouted with his fists in both hands, "The black cow has seen his master!"

Wang Mang nodded blankly, and said lightly: "How was your strength in the past? What is your current strength?"

"The little one used to be the sixth-order peak of strength, and now his body is 80% better than his body, and his body is like steel, and it cannot be broken unless he hits the door! The strength of the body alone can beat it ten times!"

The angry voice of the black bull made Wang Mang a satisfied look. The strongest among the eight prisoners was the black bull with muscular knots all over the body!

He has lost his strength now, and the only thing that exists is that super physical strength, but this alone is enough!

It is not difficult to recover the lost strength. After waiting for this time and space, with the talent of the Black Bull, I am afraid that it will not be possible to reach the strength node of the sixth rank peak in seven days, and there is even a great hope for breaking through the seventh rank!

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