Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 797: Liu Rufeng died

‘The evil spirits and gods have some truth in what they said. Souls who have not detached will eventually regret it in the future, but are the mortal souls really no better than the souls after detachment? ! ’

When Wang Mang was dizzy, his mind suddenly recalled the crazy words that Evil Ghost Tu had said, but he shook his head slightly.

What about Fanshun? As long as one's own soul is strong enough, this so-called soul-slashing sword can really kill one's soul? !

Thinking of Wang Mang suddenly burst into an unprecedented high fighting spirit, the storage ring in his left hand flashed white light, and a bright silver short knife appeared in his hand instantly!

Wang Mang held the Yinxiao Knife with one hand, gritted his teeth, and slashed at his right arm.

‘Puff! A hideous wound of flesh and blood kept flowing outwards, and Wang Mang was stimulated by the pain, and his spirit instantly lifted, but the sinking tiredness came to his brain once again!

The knife wound on his left arm had just healed, and the silver sword in Wang Mang's hand made a **** cut on his body. In this way, the old wound was just healed, and the new wound was added. In just three minutes, Wang Mang was on his own. No less than hundreds of knives were slashed!

"Haha! What do I say? Even if I am a mortal soul, your soul-slashing sword may not be able to kill!"

Wang Mang felt the boundless feeling of fatigue in his brain slowly fading, he laughed wildly, took two steps, looked down at Liu Rufeng's broken corpse, and said cheerfully, "I won, after all! "

At this moment, the silver sword in Wang Mang's hand was stained red, and a drop of scarlet blood fell on the ground along the blade! The criss-crossing scars peeled off at this moment, revealing brand new skin!

At this time, the space-time channel behind Wang Mang also sent out a high-frequency tremor, and a fierce figure suddenly fell from the channel.

‘Boom! ’‘Boom! ’‘Boom! The prisoners who fell from mid-air seemed not to be affected by the dizziness of the space-time passage at all, and each of them bent their legs slightly and landed steadily on the ground!

"Master!" "Master!" "Master!" In prison uniforms, several prisoners with fierce aura looked at the unfading dry blood on Wang Mang's body, their eyes widened, revealing a deep worried look!

"It's okay! The guardian has been solved by me!" Wang Mang waved the blood on the silver sword, and said faintly, "This guardian is not strong, but the tricks are very insidious. I almost did it. I'm done!"

The muscular black bull was looking at the broken corpse beside Wang Mang's feet. His eyes were slowly red, and the stares were the size of copper bells. The anger in his eyes was almost overflowing!

"Master, the black cow is late! Guilty!" The red-eyed black cow kowtowed suddenly, his expression full of self-blame and guilt!

"It's not to blame you! He and I are in a duel, you can't get involved!" Wang Mang casually pointed at Liu Rufeng's broken corpse with the tip of his knife, "I won't say much, it's serious to leave here!"

Wang Mang received the silver sword in his hand into the storage ring, crouched down and fumbled for something on Liu Rufeng's corpse.

The white shirt of Xi Chuchen had long been stained with red and black blood, and his chest and abdomen were even more dilapidated, with only a few scattered pieces of clothes left!

Wang Mang stretched his hand into his inner lining and searched for it for a while. Suddenly he was happy. He actually felt a soft, leather-like thing in his hand. He grabbed it and took it out. A belt-like sheepskin roll!

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