Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 800: The Art of Combat

The ‘shu’ is a skill to put it bluntly! Whether it's ironing, hunting, or even making zombies, these are all skills!

It's just that there are exquisite skills in ‘skill’. A good cultivator and a sorcerer who are just getting started are not at the same level of combat power and level!

Wang Mang looked at the densely packed magical light screens around him, and he felt like a dog bites a hedgehog and has nowhere to start. This is too much. Which one is the best for him?

Wang Mang hesitated for a while, a series of thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.

In terms of mind control, I already have a brainworm, so I don’t need this kind of surgery. In terms of physical strengthening, I have successfully detached myself from the physical body. In the future, my physical body will only become stronger and stronger, so don’t worry about this. Up,

Now the only thing I need to make up for is the lack of combat and insects. With regard to combat, due to his own swordsmanship and marksmanship, he can only be regarded as excellent, far from reaching a state of invincibility and invincibility. In the future, you will definitely need to find opportunities to practice!

The insects are even more important. This is the key to Wang Mang's rapid rise at the beginning of the end of the world!

The tyrannical and swift black three insects, the overwhelming, fierce and undaunted fire locusts, are all my most proud species. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, all the fire locusts have been wiped out, and the black three insects have been wiped out. Only the only one turned into an insect armor is left!

As Wang Mang's thoughts gradually became firmer, the chaotic and complicated magical light screens seemed to understand Wang Mang's inner voice.

In just a blink of an eye, most of it disappeared, and there were about thousands of light screens of magic spells related to combat and insects!

"This!" Wang Mang blinked in amazement, looking at the remaining thousands of light screens, he was a little startled! "That white official is really capable, and no one in time and space is really weak!

Wang Mang approached two steps with emotion, preparing to observe several light screens carefully. On the light screen closest to Wang Mang, an elegant swordsman was wielding an ancient sword chicly. Do not forget to look up and drink a few sips of crystal wine!

Wang Mang watched for a while and shook his head directly, what is this dancing, is this chic and elegant sword move suitable for his kind of brash man who can drop ten guilds in one effort?

When his mind moved, the light screen representing light swordsmanship disappeared in an instant. Wang Mang turned his head and looked at another light screen next to him.

On the light screen, a big bald man with a height of more than ten feet and knotted muscles and a pile of black heart-protecting hair on his chest is roaring and swinging a hammer the size of a grinding plate in his hand.

With a blast of ‘bang’, a small hard rock mountain was smashed by his hammer, and even a complete rock could not be seen!

"My God! Is it possible that I am suitable for this kind of way?!" Wang Mang looked at the violent hammer holding man, and couldn't help but vomit.

This kind of technique is suitable for one force to drop ten guilds. The sledgehammer the size of the grinding disc only needs one blow. Whether it is a hillside river or a human monster in front, as long as a mere hammer is turned into ash!

Wang Mang stared closely at the bald man after performing the three-stroke hammer technique, and couldn't help but slap his tongue for a while. The power of this technique was indeed strong, but he always felt a little unsuitable for him!

Wang Mang frowned slightly, his left hand habitually rubbed his chin, thinking carefully, what he wanted was a powerful and flexible attack method, similar to weapons like heavy knives and spears!

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