Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 802: Choose a spell

Just as Wang Mang was making a decision, the shirtless man with eagle-like eyes on the pale golden light screen, under the siege of that group of enemies, was unscathed and killed several people!

There was a trace of disdain in his cold and arrogant eyes, his strong and powerful arms stretched suddenly at the moment of exertion, a pair of rough palms held the iron rod of the halberd tightly, and the halberd blade shining with cold light resembled a beheading sharp axe. An astonishing force dances horizontally for half a circle!

The enemy who was about to rush in front of him had no time to evade, and there was a ruthless look in his eyes, and his hands were struggling to hold the weapon in front of him, to resist the swept halberd, but all this was destined to be in vain!

‘Boom! A sound mixed with broken blades and bursting flesh and blood came into Wang Mang's ears, and the cold and arrogant shirtless man on the light screen looked at the splash of flesh and blood at the moment, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

The enemy who rushed with the weapon was swept by the man three times with a halberd, and there was one sputtered blade fragment that just pierced the throat, the trachea, and the artery were instantly punctured, and it seemed impossible!

The team of nearly twenty people was killed by his shirtless man with a few easy halberd moves. Those various weapons could not even touch his body, let alone make any wounds!

"The halberd is the overlord of a hundred soldiers, which one is my opponent?!"

The shirtless man smiled wildly, swept across the neck of the last enemy with the halberd in his hand, and dripping blood shot out instantly, splashing on his body, looking extremely evil and terrifying!

Listening to the frantic shout in his ear, Wang Mang suddenly raised his head. He was full of difficult choices before, and suddenly he seemed to have an answer!

"War halberd! Let's choose war halberd!" Wang Mang's mouth raised slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face. How could he only choose one type of technique? Sure enough, I just fell into a blind spot!

The white official, who had been watching the claustrophobic space, suddenly stood up while squatting. His sickly pale face seemed to regain a fascination. This kid is not too stupid!

After Wang Mang made up his mind, he finally stopped hesitating, and raised his left hand directly on the light screen. Suddenly, a warm and gentle golden light overflowed instantly, filling the entire dim claustrophobic space!

The palm where Wang Mang touched the light screen seemed to suddenly heat up, and the shirtless man in the light screen looked back as if feeling his heart.

A pair of eagle-like eyes stared at Wang Mang's face, and he muttered for a while. The corners of his mouth suddenly showed an admiring smile that was extremely inconsistent with his temperament.

"Boy, you made an extremely correct choice. There are millions of techniques in the sky at this time, and my halberd technique can be ranked in the top three!"

Faced with his appreciation, Wang Mang smiled slightly. Before he could answer, the light screen gradually became blurred and turned into a swift golden light into his forehead!

Suddenly, Wang Mang seemed to feel that his brain was instantly flooded with a majestic flow of information, and he suddenly gave out bursts of tingling sensation!

Wang Mang shook his head, he was in a trance, why couldn't he see the stream of information that instantly filled his brain? What about this halberd art?

Just as Wang Mang frowned and wondered, the claustrophobic space resembled a dark house with the roof opened, and dazzling white lights shot in instantly!

"Boy, your luck is really good, he won't easily choose the trialer with Halberd, you really got lucky this time!"

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