Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 805: At least twenty years

At the same time, Wang Mang stayed in the blue light for a while, feeling weightlessness and dizziness in his body. It took about three to five minutes before he could enter the cultivation space through the passage!

Wang Mang slid out of the trembling space-time passage, and his body instantly tightened. A beautiful harrier turned over and landed firmly on the ground, slightly raised his head, and as soon as the surrounding environment caught his eye, Wang Mang's face showed a look of surprise!

This is the practice space for the art of halberd? Why is it different from what I imagined! Wang Mang's eyes widened, his back straightened slightly and he looked at everything around him.

The beautiful gurgling springs and creeks flowed slowly, making a pleasant ding-dong sound, and the beautiful and swaying verdant bamboo forests were blown by a breeze, and a few bamboo leaves scattered and fell on the vibrant land.

A simple and simple thatched cottage in the forest, a yellowish old straw mat, and the most peculiar thing is a red-painted weapon rack, on which a cold and heavy halberd that exudes strong murderous intent seems incompatible with this environment!

Wang Mang stared at the beautiful scenery, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a faint smile.

"Should not the training of the halberd be on the battlefield where the killing sounds all over the sky, in this fresh and natural forest, you can also practice the art of the halberd?"

"Extremely superficial!" A vigorous middle-aged male voice came from the forest. A man with a pair of eagle eyes and bare arms seemed to have heard the whispers in Wang Mang's mouth, and walked out of the forest with disdain on his face. !

"It's you?!" Wang Mang exclaimed in surprise. Isn't this the shirtless man on the light screen who killed several people and turned the halberd into a superb!

The shirtless man didn't reply. He just walked to Wang Mang's side, narrowed his eyes like a falcon, and looked at him from start to finish for a while, and after a little hesitation, he said, "Well, it meets some basic conditions!"

"Dare to ask seniors how to call them?!" Wang Mang faced the strong man who had practiced the technique of halberd to the heavenly level, with a certain respect in his tone. The man who was the master was a teacher. This shirtless man was much stronger than himself. Too much!

The shirtless man waved his hand casually, "I don't have a name, you can directly call me a halberd!"

He withdrew his close gaze from Wang Mang, and then said: "I just looked at you casually. According to my preliminary judgment, you have to practice the halberd for at least 20 years until you can master it well. If you want to be like an arm, It depends on your talent!"

"Twenty years?! How long does the twenty years here correspond to the outside world?!"

Wang Mang's heart sank slightly. If there is not enough time, is it possible that he will be trapped here for the rest of his life?

"Eight months!" The shirtless man said coldly, then slowly said: "This is because you have a certain talent. If you count it day and night, you can master it for twenty years!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked: "Senior Halberd, how many years did you use to practice this halberd technique?!"

The shirtless man named Ji showed a faint remembrance in his eyes, and he said: "Eighty-six years! My master died that year, and my cultivation stopped to the present level!"

"Senior Halberd, how long did you master it?"

Ji glanced at Wang Mang coldly, and said lightly: "Seven days!"

"Seven years, senior halberd, your talent is not bad, what! Seven...God?!" Wang Mang's eyes widened, he screamed, and he was stunned in disbelief. I mastered the need to practice. In twenty years, you only spent seven days? ! !


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