Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 807: One year of cold and heat, water cut off successfully

After Wang Mang waited for the halberd to leave, he looked down at the black halberd in his hand, and then frowned at the gurgling stream beside him. After a long time, he exhaled a sullen breath, "No wonder it will take twenty years!"

This does not rely on supernatural powers, does not rely on huge power, and wants to cut the stream with a halberd in the body of an ordinary person? This is just like a fairy tale!

Wang Mang stroked the black halberd in his hand, his palms suddenly gripped the halberd pole, a force that penetrated the whole body from the soles of the feet, through the waist, and then through the shoulders, suddenly transmitted to the black halberd!

The halberd rod and the halberd blade issued a high-frequency tremor, and the flaring halberd blade slashed on the surface of the stream with lightning speed!

‘Bah--! The sound of a sharp blade slashing the cloth suddenly sounded, and the shallow and flat stream splashed all over Wang Mang's slashing blow, and the gravel at the bottom of the stream splashed under the halberd!

Wang Mang looked at this majestic scene and shook his head disappointedly, not satisfied with the slashing effect caused by that halberd!

The water splashed everywhere, the gravel flew, but the gurgling creek was not really cut off, the subtle water flow was still flowing, and the flow did not stop!

"Is it possible to make the water flow a few feet apart without leaving a drop of water to be considered a success?!"

Wang Mang sighed sadly, and tightened the black halberd in his hand. Just now he felt that this year was ample time and this task was not too difficult, but now he feels that cutting off the water is real. It's so difficult, it's so difficult to get to the sky!

Wang Mang looked at the bamboo forest behind him and looked at the faint thatched cottage in the bamboo forest. He felt a sense of excitement in his heart for no reason. He tried his practice at the beginning of the first year, and there were twenty years of cold and heat left. He really couldn't survive it? !

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt that his heart was filled with fighting spirit like a raging fire!

He held the halberd with both palms, twisted his legs again, turned his waist, waved his arms, slashed again and again, splashed with broken stones and water, the bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest gradually withered, and the grass beside the stream changed from luxuriant to lush. Withered,

Most of the year has passed in an instant, from the beginning of spring full of vitality to the midsummer of blazing high temperatures, and finally to a halt in the cold and bleak late autumn!

Suddenly, a withered bamboo leaf was blowing towards the stream with a gentle breeze. Before it fell on the ground, the bamboo leaf seemed to hit something, suddenly causing a cold light!

The bamboo leaves paused for a moment, and then drifted away, turning from a whole leaf into two symmetrical halves!

Wang Mang was wearing a bearskin vest, holding a halberd in both hands, his face was serious and indifferent, his legs squatted, his body tight as a cheetah ready to go.

That bamboo leaf hit the halberd blade he was holding in both hands, and a cold light flashed out, and at the moment the cold light was splashing, he moved!

The war halberd in his hand looked like a fierce flood dragon with eyes open, and it suddenly uttered a long trembling groan, but it hit the bottom of the shallow river covered with gravel in an instant!

"Boom!" A dull and majestic water whistling sound rang in Wang Mang's ears. Wang Mang squinted slightly. Hearing this voice, a smile of excitement appeared on his face abruptly!

He straightened up slowly, and his tight body relaxed. The howling torrent banged down on both sides of the stream, moistening a large area of ​​land. The gravel of the stream seemed to have been evaporated by the fire over and over again. No trace of water can be seen on every tiny stone!

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