Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 812: Shura Field

Wang Mang looked at the halberd’s eyes, and he was stunned for an instant. He suddenly understood the true meaning of Wang Li’s remarks at noon. He wanted to hurry up before the battle and tell himself quickly so as not to fight with other cultivators. No preparation!

But it is also possible that Senior Ji was instructed by Wang Li. After all, every cultivator is an heir to a ‘skill’.

The fight between cultivators is related to the faces of the masters of these spaces. Whoever loses means that their skills are weak. For this reason, they will definitely teach these cultivators' fighting skills with their heart!

"In this year, although I haven't taught you any advanced halberd moves, the technique of'breaking water' is much more important than those complicated tricks. In this fight, you have to fight two cultivators. Don't let me. My face is dull!"

Standing on his back, the halberd gave Wang Mang a casual glance, and pointed to the black halberd in his hand, "You can only use this black halberd to fight, you know!"

Wang Mang held the halberd in both hands and nodded solemnly, "I know, senior halberd, I won't disappoint you!"

The corners of the mouth on the unsmiling face of the halberd rose slightly, "Well, I will send you to the Shura Field now, and experience the use of halberd when fighting. This is the real purpose of fighting and fighting!"

After finishing speaking, Halberd didn’t wait for Wang Mang’s reply, his falcon-like eyes shrank suddenly. The air around Wang Mang’s body resembled a layer of water. The ripples swayed over Wang Mang’s body instantly. When the ripples stopped, he The body also disappeared in the space of this war halberd!

"Om!" A sharp air piercing sounded from Wang Mang's ears, the vision in his eyes suddenly became blurred, and his brain was a little dazed.

When I opened my eyes again, a bright and wide square, like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, caught Wang Mang’s eyes, and there was a burst of noisy noise around him.

Wang Mang looked up, and the round terrace seats were filled with all kinds of spectators, half-orcs with tiger stripes all over, **** and seductive demon girls, and ugly strangers with red marks on their faces. ,

The only thing they have in common is that there is a brass-colored golden hoop on their right wrist, which is engraved with a series of complicated numbers, which seems to correspond to the identity code of each person!

In Wang Mang's quiet stand, a pair of sharp eyes swept over the tens of thousands of people in the seat, and then he shook his head. He was like an ‘animal’ watched by all these people!

"Young man, your luck this time is really bad. You played against the'Knife Demon Crazy Tiger' who won 23 games in a row. If you get acquainted later, you can give up quickly. You will save your life!"

An old man in a blue and white robe walked to Wang Mang's side with his hands on his back, and sighed to himself, as if he had some sympathy for Wang Mang's experience in this first battle!

"Take this golden hoop. It will be activated when you give up, and there will be a golden light to protect you! But the speed is fast. Many cultivators were dismembered by the owl's head because of the slowness for a moment. The scene is really horrible. !"

The old man took a breath, as if thinking of the cruel killing scenes staged on the Shura field!

Listening to this old man’s words, Wang Mang’s expression was as serious as ever, but he did not show any fear.

He honestly took the golden hoop and put it on his right wrist. He didn't even read the code on the golden hoop. He just held the halberd in one hand and looked quietly at the other side of the Asura Field!

"Om!" The same piercing and sharp air exploded, and a muscular man with an ugly tiger face and a dark iron chain appeared in this Shura field instantaneously!

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