Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 815: Next opponent

Crazy Tiger's eyes slowly dissipated, and the dark heavy knife in his hand instantly lost its strength, leaving only a forward inertia, and the sharp blade slashed towards Wang Mang!

Wang Mang leaned his body calmly, and easily dodged the heavy knife, holding the flat black halberd in one hand and slamming it away.

"Puff Puff" crazy tiger's throat shot out a burst of bright red blood, his throat bone was smashed by Wang Mang's halberd, and the tracheal artery was instantly split by the high-frequency shock of the sharp halberd blade, unable to heal!

Crazy Tiger's strong body is like an unbalanced puppet. With the black halberd drawn out, his legs softened and he knelt down on the ground. There was no bloodthirsty redness in his eyes, and he made a bang with the dark heavy knife. Falling to the ground, no more interest!

"He!... He... actually killed the crazy tiger!"

A young sword-backed teenager in the audience widened his eyes, raised his trembling right hand in disbelief and pointed it in Wang Mang's direction, "He must be a devil from hell!"

"Devil! Devil!!" This seemingly magical word lingers in the hearts of most people in the audience. If it were not for the devil, how could he kill such a mad tiger? !

Wang Mang looked up at the silent auditorium, shook his head for himself, put the black halberd with a few traces of blood on the mad tiger's clothes and wiped it at random, but he remembered that he killed the mad tiger in his mind. Swift halberd,

That slaying the mad tiger contained the peak blow of his own spirit and spirit, but it made himself a little more understanding of the definition of'shu'. Sure enough, only fighting between life and death is the only shortcut to practice'shu' !


In a box at the top of the auditorium, several men and women with different auras but amazing power are sitting on a comfortable and soft sofa chatting.

Opposite them was a huge transparent strange glass. Wang Mang, who was in the Shura Field, was instantly pulled closer on this glass, and the movements he made were even more subtle!

A coquettish woman with a goblet in her hand and red wine in her glass is watching Wang Mang on the glass with interest.

‘Oh~Oh! 'She suddenly laughed twice, turned her head and joked at a strong man who is comparable to a giant, "Lao Hai, the'crazy tiger' you chose is really useless. The heir to the halberd can do anything at will. Just wipe your neck, you don't feel embarrassed, I will panic for you!"

The mighty and brawny man called Lao Hai wrinkled that fierce black face and snorted coldly when he heard the words.

"You banshee, it's not your turn to take care of things about the sea of ​​swordsman, that animal is not as good as a human being, and it will die if it dies, but the person chosen by the halberd won't live long!"

"Cut!" The coquettish woman rolled her eyes in disdain, raised her head slightly, and drank the glass of red wine gracefully. "The next game should be a practitioner of the white spear technique. One shot and one halber is really interesting!"

After that, she licked the red lips of scarlet temptation, her charming eyes stared at Wang Mang closely, but there was a trace of expectation in her eyes. She always felt that this person was extraordinary! Maybe..... Maybe you can really see the end!

At this time, Wang Mang, who was in the Xiuluo field, looked at the old man in the blue and white gown in front of him, frowned slightly, his expression was a bit speechless and irritable.

"Boy, don't be proud. Crazy Tiger is strong, but it only won 23 games. The opponent you took is Xiao Su, who is known as the "White Gun King". A long spear is in his hands like a flexible one. It’s like a dragon, just stabbing at will, you may be dead!"

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